You can also use scavenging ooze on your land, sourcerys, instants and enchantments that end up in your grave. ;)However, I am replacing my one disentomb with a ghoulcaller's chant.
Permalink Golgari
This is modern so Balduvian and Molten wont work, however; I like the Feral will add him thanks. :D
What he said ^ :)
Lol looked at your deck... flinging hydras just sounds super funny. XD
Ok here is what u need to do, make infinite cat creatures using this, and then u get infinite life using boros reckoner. :D
This deck is so lame, only 40 black lotus? Every GOOD deck should have at least 45. :P
I do like the whole samurai tribal idea and this deck looks good, the only problem i see is that you should cut your deck down to 60 cards. If I were u I would drop the no-dachi's that should help u get it down to 60.
That my favorite part about it as well. :)
I have already been thinking about phytohydra, might try and put one or two in there.
This would slow me down quite a bit, and I would have to remove quite a few cards for it work. I do love your idea with Galvanic Alchemist though will consider putting him in my deck for sure.
Summoning trap says an opponent must counter the spell, so sadly your idea does not work.
Yup, a large part of this deck is throwing a bunch of creatures in the graveyard and using varolz to scavenge a large boneyard or splinterfright.
Boneyard and splinterfright can both be scavenged with varolz and you will get the */* for counters. Also the hydra works great when you can place a few counters on him, it gets him going much faster.Note: I have already check with judges at my fnm for the ruling on the */* it works with varolz.
I was not sure about that one, it will still be helpful though.
I have not actually made the deck yet, I will probably order the cards within the next week. It will be a fun deck to play. :)
Do you know if I legion initiative with a shock trooper out if I will still have to sac it at the next end step if I use it after my combat?
Love the fling idea will try and add that. The sneak attack is a $30 card so it is to expensive for me.
Vexing devils and check out boneyard worm. Boneyard generally works better if you run grisly salvages and a few mulch.
I totally understand where you are coming from, the only other card that I see you replacing it with is weapon surge, but I am not sure everything else in your deck flows together to well to be taken out.
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