U can't stop milling them tutelage isn't a choice you have to mill them which is why it's bad you may aswell be going with the fast blue black mill and yeah de I see the merit in being able to cycle it but you can then die to combo like the Melira combo ethereal haze stops that and combat damage and with the amount of card draw it shouldn't matter about cycling
Changed it by removing red now allows for the lock out combo and path to exile which helps
How will you win if they hit emrakul each time that's all I'm saying it just makes it worse if your gonna go with mulling then it's also gotta just be plain out fast like blue black mill so you can extract the emrakul but ok if your going with a slower kind of mill you will definitely need to change what fogs you are using cause holy day is always better than angel song and if they try to kill you another way then angels grace is even better but puts you in bolt range but stops you dying for one turn at least you could also run jace memory adept he's good at milling ten cards a turn
The mill cards is making them draw cards you don't need to have them mill you just make them draw cards and as they can't play them they get screwed I would honestly just stick with draw and take mill out of it cause against an emrakul it just stops you killing them whereas drawing doesn't I used to just go plain mill but the amount of times an emrakul screwed me over was unbelievable cause u can have them down to one card left mill them and it's an emrakul and they are back to fourty cards in the library take them out for temple bell and the deck will ultimately be able to face a lot more than you think
So I run turbo fog and you have some nice key cards like howling mine but you need more like temple bell and dictate of kruphix your board wipe should be a supreme verdict if anything but you shouldn't need it one copy of tutelage is good take out the curse and the rest of the tutalages I wouldn't cut the number of board wipes down to 1 or even none another consideration is terminus angel song and aether I've are pretty weak for what you want so you want ethereal haze can stop certain combo and also stops combat and holy day is the other basic fog and you have to have angels grace stops u losing obviously but end of the deck list u should have 12 turbo effects howling mine etc 16 fog effects the silence combo 1 copy of elixir and 1 tutalage and then 22 land u only need 1 reliquary b tower and you should have playsets of glacial fortress and port town the rest as basics or have a man land aswell as an extra win con
This is the sideboard list I have been running recently and does pretty well
Um nothing that I know of as far as I'm aware it's called win fast or concede
I thought it was a lot more stable running play sets of the actual combo much less chance of slow play but defo will lose friends haha
I think I need a better sideboard tho just to help with match ups I think hurklys recall could be good against affinity
I have made a few changes added abit more consistency and now splendid reclamation can be for emrakul if the combo of the knight doesn't work and he does it can be a back up to just get 22 land back and have 18 mana available for emrakul what do you think
spot removal and mass removal can handle it very easily and when it doesn't the counterspells I do run can do the job anticipate helps to filter through the deck same with epiphany it works pretty well
ok thanks ill do that in abit
I'll try getting my hands on some and test it have you got any ideas for a side board tho
Reforge the soul helps restart when I run out of steam yes it's a bit expensive to play but the triggers from waste not and the rituals tend to get the job done. I've added pyromancers ascension to the sideboard as I currently do not own any
And it's a black and red deck with splash blue for serum visions I'd need more blue mana for archivist I aggressive good idea but maybe with a slightly different deck with like you said a more control shell
Yes it's very good but a turn too slow I'm winning turn three I'd be setting up turn two or three using archivist
Works pretty well in testing has good turn three wins but thanks for the suggestions hates archivist is a bit slow tho plus two blue is a bit hard to get to when we mostly want black and red same with lore broker bit slow I want to be combing turn two and three but that would slow it down
thanks how about this I put couple avatars in but generally id rather have a starting hand that can get one of the three drops turn two for turn three khalni hydra
Nice deck check out my modern deck http://www.mtgvault.com/mojobeanz/decks/turn-three-hard-cast-emrakul/
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