I considered using Font, but I'd have to cut some crucial cards. Without it the deck plays faster, and frees up my 4 drop slot for something that's going to deal more damage. Dropping a megrim then burning inquiry on turn 4 with a parasite and underworld dreams out does 12 damage, where if I dropped a font with parasite/underworld they'd only take 6 on their next draw step. I'm gonna playtest it this weekend against some Turbo Fogs and see how well it does. In theory, it should be a wrecking ball against that deck.
I think I'm going to keep it spiteful visions and not used Nyxathid, simply because of the amount of cards they're going to be drawing between Howling Mine, Sign in Blood, and Burning Inquiry. The Spiteful Visions hurts me too, but as long as I'm smart about when I play it, I'll outlive them.
I'm gonna leave incendiary in until october, then find a replacement. I still get 2 months out of it :)
Not going to use Blightning. It would be effective but it would slow my tempo down with using my big finishers (Sign, Inquiry, Incendiary). Sign and Inquiry are less mana and potentially do more damage.
My Underworld Dreams/Megrim draw/discard deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=23733
I'd suggest dropping the Looming Shades and Drudge Skeles and go with a playset of Nyxathid. 3 drop that should always be at least 5/5 with this deck. Also consider using doomblade over seal of doom. Cheaper, instant speed, and the regen thing isn't too much to worry about if you're swinging with multiple 5/5 - 7/7s. I'm building a similar deck, but going for as fast as possible, using megrim, underworld dreams, and spiteful visions with howling mines out. I'll post a decklist soon and link it here.
Disciple of Law, Disciple of Grace, Darkwatch Elves, Cloud of Faeries, Bloated Toad, and Barkhide Mauler are all 2 colorless cost cyclers. Any of them could replace the chartooth cougar.
Maybe take out those 4 for one more swamp, dark ritual, songs, and drain life so you can ge to them quicker? The ratio of cycling cards to the combo is still stacked tremendously in your favor, so it would still be pretty easy to get them all. I just don't know of any other 2 colorless cost cycle creatures you haven't already listed.
Chartooth cougar doesn't work, it's mountaincycling, not cycling. You don't get to draw with it.
Maybe sideboard Drove of Elves for countering a control deck?
Considering swapping 3 Drove of Elves for 3 Presence of Gond now. Taking those out not only adds more tokens, but helps the mana curve. Already have a big beefy */* with the Jagged-Scar Archers, but man, Drove of Elves is just so sexy.