
15 Decks, 23 Comments, 0 Reputation

If all your spells cost 1 mana, you need and only about 9-12 land. Search google for 10 land stompy, that deck is green (and legacy) but it's similar to what you're trying to do.

Posted 27 August 2010 at 17:10 as a comment on ONE DROPS!


...What red?

Posted 19 August 2010 at 13:20 as a comment on NewDrazi Green


I have sixteen plains, and tempo is so important I can't afford any "comes into play tapped" lands. Also. I have sixteen lands. How would I ever play sun titan?

Posted 19 August 2010 at 11:01 in reply to #81445 on White Weenies in Standard (Wait, it's different th


this isn't a tribal deck. Think about this: If it's the only ally in your ENTIRE DECK, kazandu blademaster is 2/2 first strike vigilance for TWO MANA. That's rediculous. The fact that he stacks in multiples is just icing. Hada freeblade is the same; one for a 1/2 that stacks in multiples (and with kazandu blademaster) is rediculous. As for the kor, just because I have kor doesn't mean this is a kor deck. The most recent expansion block had a ton of kor cards, it's inevitable that some of my cards are kor. Finally, the fact that I'm running only 16 means that I can afford to run THIRTY-TWO threats. In one deck, that's really, really good. The average zoo deck doesn't run that many threats!
Basically, the whole point of this deck is to be able to subsist on one or two lands. My "finisher" is three mana.

Posted 19 August 2010 at 11:01 as a comment on White Weenies in Standard (Wait, it's different th


I really should put Hada Freeblade in, but not in Elite Vanguard's place.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 22:53 in reply to #81353 on White Weenies in Standard


Um. You're joking, right?

Posted 18 August 2010 at 21:55 in reply to #81387 on White Weenies in Standard


Tolarian academy is restricted. You can only have one, and you can only play it in vintage, when you also want to be running power nine (black lotus, the moxen, time walk, time twister, ancestral recall), which are all also restricted (and incredibly expinsive).

Posted 13 August 2010 at 21:20 as a comment on Tolarian Academy


Tolarian academy is restricted. You can only have one, and you can only play it in vintage, when you also want to be running power nine (black lotus, the moxen, time walk, time twister, ancestral recall), which are all also restricted (and incredibly expinsive).

Posted 13 August 2010 at 21:20 as a comment on Tolarian Academy


would take out sejiri steppes and put in 2 more emerias and 2 more plains, but other than that this is pretty solid.

Posted 11 August 2010 at 11:02 as a comment on Knight Standard


Okay, your suggestion about path to exile is good, but why in the world would I put wrath of god? Or honor of the pure? Or ajani??? Although elspeth would be nice. Do want.

Posted 10 August 2010 at 16:57 in reply to #79278 on White Weenies


Good idea. Valakut is actually not suited to monocolor at all (have you seen the turbo titans deck? you should check it out), but this deck should have a more balanced manabase. I'll edit it.

Posted 09 August 2010 at 16:22 in reply to #79183 on Bear Charger



Posted 08 August 2010 at 01:07 in reply to #78931 on Comment BEFORE downing decks


o, and try wasteland. wasteland is realy good.

Posted 08 August 2010 at 00:17 in reply to #78709 on B/G Land Destruction


Why do people like lifegain? A card that does something powerful by itself AND has lifegain (Umezawa's Jiite, any card with lifelink, Thopter Foundry, etc.) is good. A card whose only purpose is to make you gain life is stupid. Something you'll find out eventually is that (usually) there's only one thing that matters in a game of magic: your opponent's life total. Yours doesn't matter! Unless you're playing a mill or poison deck.
Actually, does anyone play poison decks? Ever?

Posted 07 August 2010 at 23:11 as a comment on Standard life gain


I think that considering it's based around such a shitty card, it's not bad. Just don't actually consider collecting this deck.

Posted 07 August 2010 at 23:06 as a comment on Fling Fiend


lolololol. 10 stars.

Posted 07 August 2010 at 21:42 as a comment on Comment BEFORE downing decks


It's okay. I mean, there's not enough land ramping. I would put in cultivate and take out shieldmate's blessing.

Posted 07 August 2010 at 16:58 as a comment on Landfall


Actually, there is; UW control makes games last a very long time, and mana leak only has an effect early on. Deprive is always a hard counter, and negate counters most of the threats I would ever have to face; Jace can deal with creatures, as can Gideon, as can mystifying maze, etc.
Spankus, this deck already has 8 lands that come into play tapped, why would I run kabira crossroads? sorry, but that card kind of sucks.
Also, I'm well aware of the pricetag, I got all my jaces early, when they cost like $40 (i pulled one from a booster pack). I'm just surprised you didn't mention gideon and baneslayer.

Posted 07 August 2010 at 16:16 in reply to #78483 on U/W control


Screw Mycoloth and Lord of Extinction, run Terravore. He would get bigger, for less mana.
Also, why no verdant catacombs? Fetchlands are awesome. Better than Twilight Mire any day.

Posted 06 August 2010 at 22:00 as a comment on B/G Land Destruction


Um. This kind of deck was really good (in fact, devastating) before M11. However, with Back to Nature around, and Mesa Enchantress leaving, I wouldn't play this.

Posted 06 August 2010 at 21:33 as a comment on G/W Auras


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