Hydra Ramp-devo

by ModelML00 on 13 September 2014

Main Deck (80 cards)

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Deck Description

Writing the description again after some changes. I've added a lot more hydras and fight cards. After some testing with my prototype deck I learned I needed fight target creature cards, as well as trample. Hexproof was also a must cause my creatures kept getting bounced. I do want to add more, and I just ordered some more cards, so once the deck is made I will test it and update the description again.

How to Play

Ok update to how to play. Yes there is a lot of land and mana ramp cards. It's needed for the hydras to get big. I suggest getting everything out as quick as you can as well as get as much mana as you can. Use the Genesis Hydra to look for cards in your deck since the amount of X mana you put into it is the amount of cards you can look into in your library. Make sure you have at least one Nylea out as well as the boar. These guys need trample, badly, and to kind of protect against blue you need the boar as well. There are two of each to up the chances of getting one, and also make it so if something were to happen to one, you always have another waiting in the deck (unless they are both gone) Continue to mana ramp and double hero's bane. Again, I still need to make this deck and test it, I will tell you more how to play it once I play it myself.

Deck Tags

  • Mono Green
  • Mana Ramp
  • Hydra

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 255 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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