yeah but it's just no fun winning on going infinite its too easy.
I actually dont think it can do much the only real win condition is insurrection it mostly just makes it very difficult for anyone to have a solid plan to win.
I would simply do without it, most of the time people panic and instantly kills my transmuter anyway Id most likely use my forgemaster to cheat out big Things or find them with ring of three wishes and hardcast them being an artifact deck with plenty of acceleration - sydri doesnt lend herself well to control as much as artifact overrun / combo.
thanks but to be honest I most likely have to take it apart almost everyone is playing blue at the moment and I can barely summon a mana creature without it being countered or burned plus everyone is running 2-5 wraths.
I see, it's the first deck I've made in here so don't know the site very well . I don't really see the point in having donate in the deck since zedruu can do it for me and I only get the benefits of opponents having my permanents if she is on the field I do however like jinxed idol and bronze bombshell, so Ill see if I can make room, it's currently very difficult to make room for new Things. Thx for the feedback though :)