Immortal servitude all the way in this :)
Ancestral tribute isn't in standard
I feel like this has a lot of spells with multiple colour symbols in the mana cost, so some more dual lands might be helpful, like blood crypts for example
I ran this at fnm last friday and went 3:1 by the way, just in case you did wish to know :)
What about young pyromancer?
Teleportal does indeed pump everything by 1 and pumps the cyclops by an extra 3 but you still need bodies to stop aggro for long enough, but could be useful indeed. Might move it into sideboard to help with non-aggresive decks
Indeed, I just feel you would take out removal for electromancer, just to make the removal that remained cheaper, if it cost more than 1 mana, and only if you actually dropped electromancer
He is a new addition and I haven't properly play tested him yet but it is currently hard to get cyclops to have evasion with the two Artful Dodges, however if I run more then I won't have enough pump spells for the other creatures, so I was gonna try him as he gives me a body and evasion on something if necessary
Although Electromancer isn't particularly viable if you're running lots of 1 drop spells
Also why is feeling of dread in your deck if it can only be played after being milled by faithless looting?
You probobally should run more creatures or more removal to make this reliable
I've been running a deck very similar to this using NIvix cyclops and wandering wolves as my win cons, plus artful dodge is better for the cyclops as it boosts it by +6 if you play it and flash it back plus it has double use if you have the pump spells which aren't armed, also get rid of the ring, its 10 mana before you get a card and since your trying to win on turn 4 wouldn't it be better to just make it more reliable
You should switch the guild gates for breeding pools