Thank you! Both of you. I took out some and added more mana. I'll try Friday and if still have problem I shall ask you. You guys solve something I've been issues with for along time haha. I don't mind 64 cards at least I'll get more mana now haha.
All the side cards Aren't in the deck just options for the deck. The angels are for different players, If you think another is better or worst.
I shall look for more of those than. It's took a month just get half these cards. haha...
The gates and extra lands, artfact are for simple fact I never get enough mana. Or too much one colour and not enough of the other.
Thank you! Yes you are right, they don't do much good to the deck. Other than to be a pain in their butts. haha. I'm having mana drawing problems. Do you think this would help that?
Any idea's of what I can do to down size it. I had four people look over it they can't think of any way, without it effecting it. The only that most stay is Murder, Blind Oben, Gift of Ozrh, Contimained ground.. (Yes My spelling and grammer will be wrong or poor, I don't want hear about it either. Thank you.)