Lightning Greaves isn't for the Haste. It's for the fact that the creature that it's on can't be targeted by spells. This keeps them from getting burned, pacified, etc. I'd keep it on my most important creatures like Boggart Mob and Goblin Lackey. And I thought about taking out a Cover of Darkness but decided it'd be best to have three. Also, while I love Siege-Gang, I don't think he'd work that great in this deck.
However, I did take out Mass Hysteria, Fanatic, and Raging. I also added the Auntie's Hovel. I wanted nonbasic lands but I couldn't think of any that would work with this deck so extra thanks for suggesting those. By the way, I added Warchief for the mass Haste plus he's another Goblin I can sac for 1 with Shenanigans.
Thanks for the advise. I considered what you said but decided that Wort would be useless due to the fact that Mogg Infestation is a game ender. Also, I left in Lightning Greaves and Raise Dead. The Greaves to keep my main creatures from being killed off easily and Raise for War Marshal. After he dies, I'd just Raise him again and drop him for two more 1/1 Goblins. Theoretically I could get 16 1/1's with War Marshal and Raise Dead.
This is a crazy cool deck. You could rack up so much freakin' damage with this thing. If I build me a green deck anytime soon, I know which one I'm going for.
Lets explain this deck a little: Boggart Mob: This guy is the center of the masterpiece. He’s what you want to get out on the field as soon as possible. Why? Well, while he’s in play, whenever a Goblin under your control deals combat damage to a player, you get to put a 1/1 Goblin Rogue token into play. Plus he’s fairly cheap for a 5/5. Goblin Lackey: This little fellow is just as important as the card the deck is built around. With Lackey (and maybe a little luck), you can essentially get Boggart Mob on the field by turn 2, at the latest turn 3. He’s gotta do direct damage for his effect to work so I put a little Fear in the deck to help him out with that. Goblin Matron: Her cost is high for a 1/1 but her effect is nice; whenever she comes into play search your deck for a Goblin, reveal it, put it in your hand and shuffle. Her whole purpose really is just if you don’t get Boggart Mob in your hand by your first or second draw. Goblin Piledriver: Who would deny Piledriver from a Goblin deck? I know I wouldn’t. His effect is top notch, especially when you have Fear in place. Also, because this deck is built around getting as many Goblins as possible into play, you could essentially take the player out by attacking with him and everyone else. If you get 10 Goblins attacking along with him, he becomes a 21/2. I personally think that’s pretty insane. Mogg War Marshal: This card actually goes great with quite a few different Goblin deck combos I was thinking of. For this deck he works out well because as long as he’s touched the field, you have another two 1/1 Goblins in play. And since he’s so cheap, all you’d have to do is let him die at the beginning of your upkeep, bring him back with Raise Dead, and play him again. Bam! Four creatures in two turns. Mogg Fanatic/Raging Goblin: Don’t get me wrong, I love both of these cards to death. One is a Goblin that can attack as soon as he’s dropped and the other can dish out another point of damage by sacrificing himself (which would set off Boggart Shenanigans). However, while they’re both great, they’re really just meant to be here as extra fodder for the big finale. Though I will admit that you could get some serious stall time out of them at the beginning if you have to build up the field so you can play the other Goblins. Lightning Greaves: I love this Equipment. Haste and “can’t be the target of spells or abilities” rocks! Bye-bye burn spells, pacifism, and “destroy target creature”. The creature that is equipped with this is pretty much immune to any effects except for maybe the occasional “destroy target Artifact” or “remove target Equipment”. Also, I guess your creature could be countered before you get this on him... God I hate Counter. Raise Dead/Cover of Darkness/Mass Hysteria: Raise Dead brings cards from your graveyard into your hand, Cover of Darkness gives all your creatures Fear, and Mass Hysteria allows for some Haste. I put three of each in the deck due to Counter or “destroy target Enchantment”. If you’ve read what I said above you know what their purposes are. Mogg Infestation/Boggart Shenanigans: These two cards work so wonderful together. I’ll break it down. Boggart Shenanigans deals 1 damage to target player whenever a Goblin you control is put into the graveyard. Eh, not bad I guess. It gets better. Mogg Infestation allows you to destroy all creatures a player controls. For each creature put in the graveyard this way, put two 1/1 Goblin tokens into play under the players who’s creatures were just obliterated. Normally its not considered a good thing when you decimate your entire army, though in this case, it is. Between Mob, War Marshal, Fear and Haste, plus Infestation and Shenanigans, you could annihilate a player within the fifth or sixth turn. Build up your Goblin force, make sure you have Boggart Shenanigans in place, and lay waste with Mogg Infestation. And, if your opponent does somehow survive after your most critical blow, you’ve now got double the troops you did before, all more than likely still with Fear.