I'd add 2 more cards :)
If you're a new player, a good place to start is 21 creatures, 15 other spells, 24 lands.
Lyev Decree or Inaction Injunction? You could even chump block with Azorius Arrester after getting to Detain as well.My Azorius deck:http://www.mtgvault.com/mistwhisper117/decks/azorius-detain/
I really like your take on Maze's End. I tried a Fog-Maze's End myself, but then switched over to a Gatekeepers themed one. I enjoyed your How To Play section as well. Nice and refreshing to see some creativity. My Maze's End deck:http://www.mtgvault.com/mistwhisper117/decks/mazes-end-b/
Thanks! If you are interested here's a link to my Populate deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/mistwhisper117/decks/selesnya-army/
True, lol.
Pack Rat, possibly in place of Swarm of Rats?
Do you think 25 lands are necessary for this deck? I generally just do 25 lands every deck, but I am wondering if that is not the best practice...
Fair enough.
How about Blaze Commando? Or maybe even Sunhome Guildmage? I am also very fond of Growing Ranks.
What direction are you trying to go with this deck? I would try to trim it down to 60 cards.
Wayfaring Temple or Growing Ranks?
I really like what you have done with these combos. I would recommend Guttersnipe and Mizzium Mortars.My Izzet deck:http://www.mtgvault.com/mistwhisper117/decks/izzet-spellcasting/
Yeah, I wasn't sure which aspect of Blaze Commando you were wanting to focus around.
Other Boros cards that generate tokens are Sunhome Guildmage and Assemble the Legion.My Boros deck:http://www.mtgvault.com/mistwhisper117/decks/boros-battles/
Growing Ranks maybe?
Whispering Madness is a great way to force some draws, for you and your opponent, if you don't mind discarding your hand. I could see it being a viable strategy in some circumstances. My Dimir Grind deck:http://www.mtgvault.com/mistwhisper117/decks/dimir-grind/
Thanks. Yeah, Rhys the Redeemed looks like it would work well with your deck. Oh man, too many options!
If you are looking for other/more elves, I would recommend Elvish Champion, Immaculate Magistrate, Imperious Perfect, and Lys Alana Huntmaster. I played this deck a LOT so I might be biased on my recommendations.http://archive.wizards.com/Magic/tcg/productarticle.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/dotpdecks/themedeck#deck4
Maybe Simic Manipulator instead of Simic Fluxmage? That way you can steal opponents creatures. I like what you have so far though.
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