Damn! This is actually very nice!
Knock yourself out! This comment made my day! Any feedback?
Good idea, will change when I have a chance to.
Love Cromat ;)
Well these are the joys of planechase. ;)
M8 you have 240 decks. lets see some.
What you peoples think?
Gideon, ally of zendikar- an official mtg trading token!
I pulled that gideon... funded an eggs deck, he did.
vuuuury unturentig.
Needs manafixing
Why You Mirror Gallery?
I guess.
no, you don't. you want to mill them.
Empty the pits would be... interesting
You too!!!! ;)
well i would like to keep it 300$ and less.
it's rather cheap for vintage, and I have four of each...
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