lol a gorgon hahaha
thanks man!
I will consider it, thanks!
I like this deck, very nice!
runechanter's pike would be perfect in here, great deck by the way
What should i cut for those two?
good card, i will replace the lavamancers with it or what you suggest?
Yep, i will consider it! Thank you!
What are you married with? Exava, Lyzolda? Lol
Why don't you splash red? They are some good human creatures with epic heroic abilities like Anax and Cymede and Akroan Crusader.
Why don't you use Deathcult Rogue? Is a rogue that can't be blocked except by Rogues
That's a nice one and a friend of mine said me that i could run a elixir in my dimir, but i don't really know.
Maybe brainspoil for transmute, you can search for a consuming or mirko
Its better Sword of body and mind and archive trap is great
Is like Elixir, only more annoying
I run a Dimir mill deck and there only a fucking thing i hate: Elixir of Immortality, gosh i hate that shit! But great work, nice deck!
Love it! I love Naya and i love Mayael! Nice! Suggestion: Why don't you put in Godsire? Is a excelent 8/8 with vigilance that can produce 8/8 tokens.
Thanks, actually I also think the shadowborn apostle would never work
Holy fuck! What a combo!
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