
5 Decks, 7 Comments, 2 Reputation

Go with 4 Jace the mind sculptor. And toss in 4 snapcaster and Wurmcoil engine. With the lotus and sapphire you won't have a problem getting most of that out turn 1 Vendilion clique is fun too. Sideboard surgical extraction to fish out any dirty cards of your friends. But since its a proxy deck just have some fun. Here is what I think you should do.
4- maze of Ith 16-island 4-Wurmcoil 4-Snapcaster 4-Force 4-Mana drain 4-Time walk 4-Ancestral Recall 4-Pact of negation 4-Black lotus 4-mox sapphire 4-Jace. You can turn 1 wurmcoils-dirty and you get turn one jace. Snapcaster comes out as a body and a way to flashback card draw with ancestral recall or take more extra turns with time walk still making it fun of course because there is a chance you won't get 5 turns in a row :p and your friends are gonna be ticked because you have so much counter and they can't do a thing about it:)

Posted 13 July 2013 at 18:54 as a comment on Blue Dreams


counterbalance and Senseis divining top work really well together. daze is a must. force of will if you have it. cryptic command. counterspell. spell snare for the goyfs mental misstep. stifle. just a bunch of counter for ya. brainstorm isnt bad if you throw in some miracle. and top works really well with that to. but definitely get thoughtseize and some easy red bounce like flame slash or lightning bolt to junk some stuff and play well. but basically if you get a good mix of mana costs. conterbalance and top is good enought to throw stuff until you drop jace or bolas. goodluck!

Posted 19 June 2013 at 23:43 as a comment on Legacy Control


hahaha well to answer the beginning of this. Mana Drain is banned in legacy. otherwise i would definitely have that in there. i put that in a casual blue control that i might put on here but its pretty sick. got a couple old school time walks and mox sapphires :)

Posted 19 June 2013 at 17:56 in reply to #366270 on Mono Blue Control


Sorry it took so long to check it out. you should definitely go for a more counter based draw control the board prospective. i mean, brainstorm counterspell and ponder are nothing towards cost and you could definitely always use frost titan as a better finisher than IT. takes too long. i get the tapping everything. but use a couple tamiyos for that. she went way down and people would trade her off easy. but i would definitely run some draw and counterspell and maybe even spell snare or mental misstep. those are dirty when it comes to legacy. and they are pretty cheap. as for a force of will replacement. put in a mana leak. it may not always be there for you but it is pretty dirty early game. or even daze. that one just hurts haha so i would run a couple tamiyo and then bounce out and deck yourself with thought scour and win with laboratory maniac or something. :p always lots of fun :)

Posted 19 June 2013 at 17:54 in reply to #366263 on Mono Blue Control


Haha I already have this whole deck. I just wanted to see what people thought. Might make a few changes just don't know yet.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 19:45 in reply to #366263 on Mono Blue Control
