
9 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Jon, I didn't know you made this, but when I looked at how dumb it was I began to grow suspicious. Anyway, if you feel like pissing any delvers off, just get Elesh Norn on turn 3 (and make it foil to be more snobby) and kill their Traft before it gets to swing. Classic. And, Cavern of Souls really needs to be in every deck, but you may just want to keep it at two because you're so color aggresive.

Posted 25 April 2012 at 03:48 as a comment on ManaPunch (as seen on t.v.)


I really like this deck! I playtested it and it beats my illusions most of the time. Stop hurting my feelings...
Also, I might think about running Koth. He's a really nice utility card, getting a 4/4 on your turn is awesome, which can also be used for extra mana if necessary. +1 =)

Posted 16 March 2012 at 20:44 as a comment on Standard Goblin Burn


Thanks for the post, I have to use the cards i get out of boosters, so personally to me mine is more feasible. One thing I don't like is necropede, you can get better for 2 mana. Also titanic growth is also nice when used on that blighted agent. Check out my new infect deck i made:

Posted 03 August 2011 at 16:25 as a comment on U/G infect on a budget
