darn comp accidentally double posted >,<
lady of scrolls says tap AN untapped wizard, not two :P
actually u r both wrong.
Well built man. +1
check out covex's reality grind deck. I am building it now >:)
Planswalkers are permanents, just they weren't around when warp world was made.
Also, use Looting types to get cards in graveyard. Use sultia lands, and take out forbidden orchird-
I would first of all suggest that you throw in some more wrath effects. Wrath hurts your opponent, but not you. Also you could use soul flayer, but that would hurt your other shapeshifters. Also, use unburial rights to be able to pop back your, say, akroama. If you also throw in mulch, scout the borders, or voyaging satyr, you can end up getting mana in your hand and creatures in your graveyard. Win win.
True, it isn't the best of decks, but it is a fair,y fun deck to play in casual. If you want a more competitive deck, look at some of Covex's decks.
Budget??? It is almost 100$ for the crappy versions of these cards! If you want to actually play with good cards, then you will have to pay over 300$.Aside from the "budget" side, nice deck. +1
more like 56k
If you are facing another sliver deck, they have flying too. It is better to have both, so only YOUR creatures can only be double blocked. That way if your opponent has flying and you don't, you don't die, and if your opponent has more slivers than you you still can hit them. My personal favorite sliver would be Bonesythe Sliver. But I understand if that is not your goal.
Put in a set of Petrified Field. That will land in the graveyard over and over, and you can use two to have the exact same effect if you don't have Crucible of Worlds.
Another thing I realized is that paradox haze says: "At the beginning of your FIRST upkeep," which is why two don't go infinite of one another. So you would have to do it one turn at a time. I would cast paradox before epic, just to kick it off. But that just blows my mind. +1 I wish I could do more than just +1 for this awesome deck.
Throw in Krenko Mob Boss.
What about this:Use Diabolic Tutor, Diabolic Revelation, and maybe like unexpected results. You could by throwing in the green to use it with Bountiful Harvest or other life gain. I understand the need for little spells so treasure hunt works, but if you only have 4 of the card, you will only get it 7/60 games, approximately. But if you use a lot more searches, then when you do use the treasure hunt you will hit a search/wits. So searches don't get in the way, they only help you. You can find other things as well.MillsTheName+1
I would personally put the swiftspear out, throw the guttersnipe in the sideboard. Then I would put in Young Pyromancer. A) It gives you extra life via Pyroclasm and Anger of the gods + Soulfire. B) It gives you blockers. You can throw a lightning bolt at one attacker, gain 3 life, and you have a sudden blocker. They thought they could hit you for 10+, and ended up losing a creature, use a 1/1 meat shield on their, say, 5/5, and suddenly you gained 6 or more life. That provides a huge disturbance. It also works well with one/two mana burn spells.Also, using Young Pyromancer gives you tokens to ATTACK with if the situation requires it. Even if they are playing Leyline of Sanctity, you still can hit them with creatures and have a chance to win the first game. Then you could sub in the Guttersnipe to LOVE THE CARD. PRE-ORDERING AT LEAST A SET OF 4 OF THE SOULFIRE.Please tell me if you have any clarifications, or would like to explain why you have a different opinion,MillsTheName
Yes, I believe it does.
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