you pretty much got the sliver premium deck and added a few cards.....not very original
a good card i want but cant find for my sliver deck is lifeline. it renders wraths and any wipe the field cards useless
take a look at my sliver deck. feel free to coment
the only real sliver killers you have are plague sliver and endemic plague. other than that its garbage against a GOOD sliver deck. i would know because i run a 5 color sliver deck. stuff that TARGET slivers wont work due to crystiline sliver. also a good sliver deck would have counters just in case a person like you tries to build an anti-sliver deck.
what you need is crystaline sliver. he is one of the best ever printed. also try looking for a card called door of destinies. really great in a sliver deck. check mine out.
ok thanks for the advice