nice but run overgrown battlement instead of the vine trellis.
Smite is pretty good.
yeah but double color prot seems more like a sideboard to me. Also it seems that youd want as much life as possible so sanctifier would get your more instantly where the champ is long run(kinda)
maybe Cathedral Sanctifier instead of the Champion.
lol well i like the decks nice work. i do suggest wayfarer's bauble over the kite though. you probably dont need multiple uses.
Orcish Artillery "So they want to kill my men? Well two can play at that game."
wow how'd i miss that. Thanks man. :D
14 decks in a row in the middle of the night. You need help.
abundant growth lets me draw a card but i could see how getting more mana with sprawl could let me play more expensive draw spells
what do you mean?
anyways i have to potty now
i cant resist bumping these to front page. Its just so cool to have all seven up there.
yu can haz front page now?
Well i decided to look it up and i was correct you only get the 1 less to cast once per banneret.
I don't believe the Banneret works that way. I'm pretty sure it looks for at least one of the requirements for the lowered cost, so how many times it satisfies that does not matter, it would still only receive the reduction once per Banneret.
Cool cause i seriously might have cried if you said that combo sucked... xD. Something about it just calls to me. I think there will be some wild mongrel action in there too.
i just recently built a similar deck and i highly recommend dropping one rebirth and one chief for 2 shrapnel blast. Anywho i love this kinda deck, nice work.
So i noticed while i was cruising through your seemingly endless supply of stompy decks that your later ones drop the Diligent Farmhand / Muscle Burst combo. Any reason? Cause in thinking about running a full set of each and since your kinda an expert on stompy im wondering what you think of it.
The only problem i have with using that is that i cant sac him for the grenade. Generally the arsonist is my go to sac target for gob grenade.
You should consider using Angelic Benediction. Could be an easy way to force a larger creature or blocker to tap.
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