Thank you guys!
I can see how :) That's one beast deck indeed.
:D Cheers dariustiwn!
No worries and thank you very much for your insight. Honestly, I rather spend an additional turn killing someone and making sure my creature sticks than pumping all my mana into buffing it for one turn. I always keep mana open when I have Feat of Resistance or Gods Willing in hand.
Thanks and thanks :)
I understand, it opens a whole diffirent world of opportunities :) This one would definitely fit in the "boring" file in the Legacy world :P
I love the idea! The only downside to it is that he wouldn't get big enough to land killing blows. He could be a decent draw engine however! I understand that with auras that would increase power, this is a killer!Thank you very much for commenting, you've got me thinking about building another deck now :P
Well, the two times I have played him, he landed only once. The fun part is that he actually managed to win the game. After my Turn 4, the opponent had 3 hp left. Removed counters for an extra turn and followed with the win. He had Aqueous Form on the whole time. Saved him from a Hero's Downfall with Gods Willing on turn 3 :)
Can't please everyone. I understand this style doesn't suit you.A constructive comment would have been appreciated, however. What would you suggest ?
Wow Jessie. Love it! +1 here!The fact it's an Aristocrat deck removes most of the punch, but you already mentionned this is watered down version of the original one that had no restrictions. I had never really thought of that combo to be honest.The only problem I see is that your Enlightened Tutor won't get you Will as it only fetches Enchantments or Artifacts.I don't think anything but Diabolic Tutor could be inserted into this deck to fit the restrictions. We're up to 4CMC however.Cheers,
With pleasure! Thank you Jessie :)
I like it! I might even give the Eidolon a try :) Thank you very much for commenting mate!
Hi Jessie :) Thank you very much for dropping by! I'm happy to see your comment.That's why I aim to keep a Feat of Resistance or Gods Willing in hand to prevent that removal. All the games I've played, my creature is either flying or unblockable by turn 3. It's also going to be a 6/6 or more by that time. That leaves a one turn window to bounce it or burn it (most burns won't burn through 6 toughness). It has enough draw power to make sure (most times) to have a Gods Willing or Feat of Resistance in hand.Does it make sense ? It seems to work fine against decent decks in the format right now. It's also a matter to mulligan to a decent starting hand as well.I have also figured Stubborn Denial would be amazing since my creatures will be 4/4s at the very least by turn 3. Hopefully, I'll manage to get a Like from you one way or another :) Haha!Thank you once again for your input!
You're right. I basically want one creature on the board and make it stick for 3-4 turns. I really want to pump all these spells into that one creature. That's the time it takes to win, usually :) Thanks for the insight though!Glad I gave you some ideas!
Thank you Northern :) I'll try and toss removal in the sideboard even though I feel this deck will race to the finish line without thinking about defense so much.
Hi Northern,I just wanted to let you know that I looked up almost all your decks. They are great inspiration overall, especially for people on a budget like me. This website got me building again, after a huge lay off.I would like to invite you to comment on my most recent Standard deck if you don't mind : a bunch and keep up the good work!
+1. I really love the idea behind this deck.By the way, happy belated birthday!!!Please let me know what you think about this little standard deck :!
Nope, I had not. Interesting... Get an extra turn to finish things off ? I'm adding to side for the moment :) Thanks mate.
Yes, a bunch of times on various Online platforms. It did very well. It actually won 9 out of 12 times against 5 different decks that had 5 to 10 times the value of this one. Quite happy with it :)
Please leave comments. I'm looking forward to see your ideas and help me with sideboard :)Cheers.
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