
1 Deck, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

Not sure if you have ever heard of Rith, The Awakener, but if you want to go heavy creature aggro in these colors he might help your cause a little more. Big troll shroud generals that get bigger are always good too of course.

Also, I've always had a problem with mana ramping creatures in decks like this. Early game it allows you to produce lots of extra mana and dump your hand on the board, but the first wrath of god will leave you empty handed with no mana ramp left to cast your big spells if you top deck them. I prefer spells that actually get you lands (I see harrow and cultivate in there already) and artifacts that are less vulnerable than creatures to removal (sol ring, mana crypt, etc.). If you think you need the extra creatures, things like Yavimaya elder and Sakura-Tribe elder are great because, again, they actually get you real lands that can't be taken away from you as easily as Llanowar elves can be. Mana reflection and Mirari's wake (which I see you have already) are always good too.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 16:16 as a comment on Gen. Uril (Naya tokens/stompy EDH deck)


I would recommend using a lot more artifact ramp (sol ring, mana crypt, etc.) and equipments with free/cheap equip costs. The idea is, even if you can only pump your general by 2 power, you still kill them in 2 turns. Anything above that is irrelevant. Ramp up your mana base, cast your general on turn 3 or 4, give haste, equip, swing. Next turn if they didn't answer your general you win. If they did answer your general you replay it with haste and you win unless they answer it again. Very aggressive and scary EDH general for 1v1, but in multiplayer games you will be a huge target. Lightning greaves and hall of the bandit lord also want a home in your deck. They give him haste for free (because you will be too busy winning to spend extra mana so he gives himself haste).

Posted 15 April 2011 at 01:02 as a comment on Skithiryx' Empire (EDH)


What exactly is Ruin Ghost doing for you other than getting extra plant tokens via Khalni Garden on the off chance you manage to have both the ghost and garden on board at the same time? If you were using him to untap Gaea's Cradle or get extra uses out of Mosswort Bridge and Windbrisk Heights I could see him being okay, but you don't have any of those cards in your deck. And again, what are the chances of having him in play when you can actually get some good use out of him, even if you have more lands that interact with him?

Posted 12 April 2011 at 18:32 as a comment on Rhys the Redeemed EDH


Mirror entity and chameleon colossus want to know why you don't like them :(

Posted 12 April 2011 at 18:11 as a comment on Rhys the Redeemed
