tempted to put in origin spellbomb but it's 3 mana for a 1/1 that cantrips, still the deck could do with ways to dig to tempered steel...
precursor sounds horrible to me with the splicers, lightning bolts are board wipes. scary. yeah i do need some manipluation thinking see beyond incase i get a blightsteel in my hand.
well it only really hurts you if they are playing infect as well because you really should be winning within 10 turns of playing this. And you can always sacrifice it to your imp. 5 toughness on an infect creature is just ridiculous.
i'm not a big fan of hand of the praetor, just too expensive for a lord. i'd rather pay the 4 mana for phyrexian vatmother.
was thinking about some duals for tanglecord but i'd probably go raging ravine or copperline gorge instead of kazandu.
hmm not sure virulent swipe with rebound or 1 more power with vampire's bite