i like the name!
you could add Primeval Titan. but you'll still need more mana...
Nice. Like this deck!
Need more mana!!!???.... Mox lotus 15 drop but only 20 mana in your deck? and you can't even use Cultivate or Kodama's Reach to grab your lands because you have no "Basic Land". You gonna use Demonic Tutor to grab land? lol
Beacon of Tomorrows is an awesome card...might i suggest adding some mana as to be able to play it
I didn't even notice that, thank you! =]...I decided to add shock-lands instead of basic lands. I was thinking of adding Transguild Promenade also? to add one more mana-fixing. Not sure if its a good idea or not tho. I took your advice with the swamps and didn't add shocklands with swamps. Most of my mana symbol occurrence is Green, Blue, & White. So I only added one shock with red.
Unless its being reprinted in M14 then I don't think its standard anymore. Website says guildpack? =(
needs to be standard :/
that plus it flies...nighthawks in
any suggestions as far as what to drop to make room for nighthawks?
Well i just added the immortal servitude...hopefully that will take reverse any early attempts to burn my creatures
immortal servitude in...idk about the extra enchantments. im trying to go more creature heavy
i noticed there were allot of decks like this and i happen to have one like them so i figured i'd give this build a try
i oddly didnt notice the number of two drops...lol thanky