
1 Deck, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

I run raking canopy to protect from flyers, and I use basilisk collar to persuade my opponents to not attack, also have you got overrun and elvish archdruid (the mana producing is very useful late game). you could also try firespout for removal, i think it takes out flyers with the green mana casting cost.
I wouldn't worry about eyeblights ending, it isn't worth it for the balck mana, it would dilute some of you're enchantments as it reduces the number of forests you could run. Lastly, have you got 2 more joraga warcallers, much better value than nettle sentinel.

Hope that helps.

Posted 06 January 2011 at 02:24 as a comment on Pumped the Elf Up! (HELP)
