I'd take out the Somber Hoverguard and put in Myr Enforcer, because they're practically free to play from turn 2/3
Discard and no Liliana? +1 works fine, tutor for -2... I think why not in this deck. Lore Broker isn't too good, so that could be taken out for more Nezumi, since there are not enough Nezumi for the challenge :P The other flip card is good, Nezumi Bone reader gives you more discard, and Marrow-gnawer makes enough tokens to sacrifice for it. If you dont want to sac one of your other rats, use Muck Rats or Lab Rats instead
You can also use Mind's Eye, whenever an opponent draws a card, pay 1, you may draw card... works as well
thx, like empyrial plate
It needs some more color acceleration: Fieldmist Borderpost; Khalni Gem Furthermore, it's ally, nut where are the Join the Ranks?
Really nice job, it's a good build around Rogue Elephant, this one wasn't really easy either...
I'm missing Windbrisk Raptor, Ghost Coucnil of Orzhova, Spirit Link, Loxodon Warhammer, Fireshrieker? Cheap Destruction artifacts like Executioner's Capsule may work as well
not true, check sideboard, i see Tempest of Light, enchantment hate. But he is right the comes into play crossroads lands are good... But also, how about Windbrisk Raptor? Lifelink helps to get you at 40+ life, Celstial Mantle shouldn't be a sideboard choice either... Blazing Archon should be in here too
I'm not sure, but isn't Kokusho banned? it iis in EDH so that's why I ask
This deck is officially black as well as blue... and cancel is a sucky counterspell... hinder or spelljack are better
If you want combo for Wirewood Savage, use Rampaging Balloths. Cards that could be removed... I think 2 Snarling Ondurak's are enough. If you're willing to spend some money an this deck, Defense of the Heart works wonders. Indrik Stomphowler is also a good choice.
Mono-black... Where are the Nightmares and Nighmare Lashes? and Marrow-Gnawer would work as well.. Doubles the amount of rats