
3 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

You should put in artifact land, at least 4 of the green artifact land, that way your creatures with affinity for artifacts can come out sooner.

Posted 18 May 2010 at 19:22 as a comment on Equip 4 the Win


Have you considered putting in something like Doubling Season?

Posted 06 May 2010 at 22:17 as a comment on something to do with landfall


i have one question and one problem with the sideboard. First what's the point of Maelstrom Pulse, do you need it for a response, or something else? I mean, it's just kinda feels out of place. Last, i just recently got back into magic, the last real set i played in was mirroden, so last i recall, your only allowed 1 Feldon's cane, but i might be wrong.

Posted 06 May 2010 at 21:59 as a comment on something to do with landfall


I have to agree though, i should put in either gorgon flail, or basilik caller. Thank you for the help.

Posted 03 May 2010 at 16:20 as a comment on Timmy Deck (General #1)


Ya, counterspell is really just in their for late game, The idea behind it is if they wrath of god, i could prevent it. Creature removal is by far my biggest weakness of my 3 decks.

Posted 03 May 2010 at 16:14 in reply to #64054 on Timmy Deck (General #1)


We do target space 2, attack space 1, meaning i can cast spells and use abilities on the emperor. Also the intent is to kill as many of the general creatures as possible to defend myself with the deck, so it's not for aggro on the emperor.

Posted 03 May 2010 at 13:06 in reply to #64054 on Timmy Deck (General #1)


This makes me sad, theirs no fallen empires in the deck at all. Look it up, theirs an enchantment their that ad spore counter's to your fungus creatures.

Posted 03 May 2010 at 03:20 as a comment on G/U Saprolings
