
14 Decks, 10 Comments, 0 Reputation

Well an initial draw is 7 cards so on average you'd start with 2 to 3 lands in your hand, and closer to 3 on average after the first draw. 55% of my deck costs 3 or less. Math seems just fine to me, but I'll look into it.

Posted 27 December 2010 at 21:19 in reply to #109710 on New School of Burn


This Deck was meant for a deck challenge to make a deck that would fit the "You Win" category. Nothing More nothing Less. I usually play on MWS so cost isn't an issue for me.

Posted 27 December 2010 at 21:14 as a comment on Epic Coalition


I've found that if I go over the 2:1 ratio I get flooded. Especially since this is a mono deck and you don't need to worry about drawing the "Wrong" land.

Posted 27 December 2010 at 12:09 in reply to #109710 on New School of Burn


Only thing weird about it is the fact that Jace himself isn't in the deck.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 19:19 as a comment on Grind Mind


Thanks! I forgot the name of that card!

Posted 26 December 2010 at 19:14 in reply to #109516 on Deck Challenge response Untaidake


I actually decided to go with Clone Shell. I get a creature and a surprise creature later with any luck.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 19:05 in reply to #109521 on Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better


If it were in a tourney I'd probably toss in more counter/redirects, but this was kind of in response to all of the Eldrazi madness out there I keep running into.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 19:04 in reply to #109526 on Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better


Good catch. I replaced the Portals with Clone Shells

Posted 26 December 2010 at 19:03 in reply to #109513 on Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better


I suppose I could use the Worldwake version for some scrying ability but this isn't a mill deck.

Posted 24 December 2010 at 19:25 in reply to #108921 on Your Kung Fu is Pretty Good


I've got about a 50/50 win rate with this deck, as it is a little high on a mana basis, not too many cheap cards in it. There are some synergies, as in luring creatures to attack and blocking with a deathtouch creature (or better yet, an unearthed deathtouch token), and if you get the waterveil out soon enough the extra turns to ramp up mana make up for its initial slowness.

Posted 24 December 2010 at 19:21 in reply to #108895 on Rocky Horror Picture Show
