Hey thanks for the comments guys. Ive updated the cards to include the "trample" creatures I added after Hipponox's advice. I will look at the cards Jarmo has advised. I think this deck is weak in certain areas like midgame so I can probably use more boost cards like primal bellow and giant growth to keep pressure on. Also FYI the Oracle of Mul Daya is not really working so I will probably replce with something cheaper to get the mana coming in sooner. Shes great when shes in the first draw and I have a couple forests and a llanawar elf to get her in play quickly... but otherwise she rarely pays for herself in constructed standard. She just seems to slow me down and giveaway my deck cards with the flipped library card.
Thanks for the comments Hip, I will definetly look at options for the creatures you pointed out and try to get more trample and power ups in. Im just getting back into the game after not playing for a couple years and I have relatively little experience. Although I do have a co-worker whos helped me get up to speed on the game quite a bit. Id comment on your NEED OPINIONS deck but being as I don't have alot of experience I couldn't contribute much sorry :P It looks fun though, 3 colors... crazy :)