Looks pretty good so far. Interested to hear how it plays out once the new cards come in. Why'd you decide not to run any black?Also... I would consider at least adding something to the sideboard that can handle artifacts.Sorry about the deleted post... this edit thing is weird.
Yeah, I've found that I do need some removal. So many people playing with Desecration Demons and other big nasties. Mizzium Mortars looks good, and Selesnya Charm looks like it will work for the bigger ones too.Still working through my testing phases here, haven't made a decision regarding the Doors yet. When they're out, they're "usually" helpful... but hive stirrings, call to the kindred, and progenitor mimics effect don't trigger it. And by the time I've decided to cast it instead of the other slivers, I'm top decking. At that point I have to wonder if it keeping me from getting to my thorncaster/megantic sliver sooner.I think you're right about the Siphon sliver being no good. It has saved my life once vs a Killing Wave (I don't think the kid expected me to pay the 24 life to keep all six of my slivers (x=4) ), but aside from that it's essentially been just another 2/2 (much like having two Blurs).I actually find myself wanting to copy the Thorncasters more often than the Megantics. But of the dozen or so games I've played, I think I've gotten to use this maybe one and a half times (half because she dropped Angel of Serenity on the next turn).Thank you for the tips... I'll be making some changes and posting an update soon.
Thanks for the suggestions here. I've got some ideas on how to tweak it a bit... Hopefully I'll have some updates soon.
Hmm... Boros Charm for a board wipe counter... I like... definitely putting it in my deck. Alpha Authority looks like a great add as well. Thanks for the ideas! :)Here is my sliver deck. I have a lot of fun playing this.http://www.mtgvault.com/methantilus/decks/the-hive-awakens/
Okay, so I took this to FNM last night... had a lot of fun.First pairing was against a Jund deck.... I got demolished. He had so much removal I couldn't keep anything on the board. Luckily I'll only have to deal with that deck for about another month... around 70% of it is getting rotated. (He broke it down for me after the match).Second pairing was the most fun. Not sure what kind of deck it was though, black and green with things like Vastra, Blood Baron, Desecration Demon, Deathbridge Chant (which I Sundering Growth 'd every time :) ), and lots of vampiric effects. I took the first game pretty quick, and she won the second after some time. Third game I had her down to 3, but after 5 turns of back and forth with new drops and her removing them, and me sac'ing to the Desecration Demon, she finally pulled out enough fliers that I couldn't block enough.Third and forth pairings aren't even worth mentioning. The deck played exactly as it should and I had easy wins by turn 5/6 each time.Overall I learned a couple things I think need adjusted.1.) Mana is not an issue (aside from finding blue) and I find myself top decking too early. Any suggestions on how to correct this or is it just a natural occurrence of aggro based decks?2.) Early game, slivers are too weak without predatory/megantic. So things that deal X to each creature I control is harsh. Thoughts on how to rememdy this?Thanks again for all of the help guys!
And the winner is...... [drumroll]...... I'll stick with my original plan and leave a single groundshaker in the main.
More forests it is then. Maybe drop a couple of the gates back out too.
good suggestion, if I had it I'd run it!
I can see how thorncasters could eliminate the need for trample, but wouldn't trample synergize with double strike really well when blocked?
Yeah... I'm starting to see after a couple more games that it could use just a few more... do you think basic forests would be better than more guildgates? I'm still not sure yet whether the ETB tapped hinders the speed any. Also think I'm going to replace the Naturalize with Sundering Growth... same CMC, but also has the populate for if/when Mimic tokens or Hive Stirrings tokens are out.Thank you for the suggestions.
I like the idea of keeping the 1 groundshaker in there (definitely not adding more), and I agree more thorncasters would be good... but what to sub, what to sub.... They'll be in the sidedeck at the very least. I'll work on building that up soon.
Yup, Mutavaults and Garruk is on my wishlist already.
If I had it, I'd play it... at least for the next month before it rotates :) . Your deck looks pretty good, doesn't fit the pure slivers that I want to play (except mimic, but he still counts, right?) but it definitely looks like it can put up a fight.
Would I be better off subbing the basics out for guildgates, or would this slow it down too much? I'm thinking with Manaweft, the slowdown doesn't hurt as much. Obviously shocklands would be the better option, but I can't get myself to pay $10+/ea for the things.What do you think?
With Call to the Kindred right now, having a wide selection is actually better I feel. Being able to cycle through 6|11 cards every turn to play 1|2 sliver(s) for free is amazing for getting the missing pieces out. I'll be sad when Theros comes out and I have to rotate these.
I was excited to see slivers again. I stopped playing shortly after the tempest block and just picked it up again with rtr... But I miss so many of the deck options I had back then. (Loved playing the Megrim decks)
Hehe, broaden the gimmicky ness, add Jace in there for AWC after full lockdown.
I was thinking "Trostani, Selesnya's Voice" and "Growing Ranks" would both be great in this deck.... but I'm not sure what I would swap them out for. Something to consider for the extra sideboard slots at least.
Growing Ranks does look awesome, I'll have to check to see if I have a couple of those. Garruk is already on my wishlist as well! Striking Sliver is in there mainly for the early game and low cmc. Doublestrike does overwrite it, but the early First Strike is still powerful enough for me to keep it in there. I didn't know about Chromatic Lantern, it's like a Manaweft for lands! Hehe. Thanks for the like!
It's something to consider, except it's getting phased out of Standard soon. I have the same problem with Call to the Kindred.