
9 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Yeah man, your on a good track with the cards but like everyone else said, put a lot more vampire related cards in there and a lot more creatures to help vampires like put 4x Captivating Vampire in there and 4x Vampire Nighthawk and also get some feast of blood and blade of bloodchief. When you got those, then just fine other vampires to go with them there is so many, find the vampires that work for you and you could use there are so many vampires to choose from, like myself i took out a lot of great vampires because they didnt fit my deck. But make sure you have captivating vampire and vampire night hawk 4 of each and work off that. Put up your improved one and i will comment on that one! Also take out ALL doom blades and Terrors and other kill cards, the ONLY kill cards you are going to want in there are kill cards that help vampires like Urge to Feed and Feast of Blood!

Posted 19 September 2010 at 04:12 as a comment on first vamp deck give tips
