I commented on you deck and changed mine a bit based on things I saw in yours.
I like Thragtusk a lot with deadeye and I never considered explore fore my GU deck but it seems like it would be really good, especially if you don't get a mana dummy turn one and it cantrips which cultivate doesn't.This looks very consistent and the only thing I can think of adding would be a way to find craterhoof if you don't draw it such as chord of the calling or tooth and nail and between primetime, exlpore, and cultivate, some landfall triggers might be good too.You've given me a lot ideas for my GU ramp deck.
I used to run gelatinous genesis too which is why it's in there. I guess I never really reconsidered it after taking gelatinous genesis out. Thanks.I put in liege of the tangle to make use of the large number of lands this deck produces as creatures. I want to add harmonize now that you brought it up but I'm not sure what to take out.
I have a friend with a very similar deck who also runs 19 lands and it works very consistently and he doesn't even run caryatids. Color fixing ends up being the issue more often than having enough mana.Jarad is also one to think about but he's very color intensive, if you can't hit with combat damage then he can sac nighthowlers and nemesi to finish people. Having a couple of abrupt decays or hero's downfalls would be good too.