Thanks! I must have over looked that on accident!
Opening hand chancellor just hasn't won me. 4/50 is pretty piss poor I'm not going to lie. But noted.
Milling myself with mesmeric orb seems bad..? Also I like the ghost quarters and archive trap combo. Noted.
I'm working on getting two more auriok champions. Also, boggles is just not seen anymore, I haven't seen one in soooooo long.
Well, for starters... chancellor cost to much. If I use chancellor I give up the possibility of killing him with damage. I mean if I splashed a color for a creature... it will be green for a goyph. But even then I wouldn't. He will sit in your hand for so long. I just don't like chancellor. Because I can mind sculpt for the same amount. It might cost me a turn.. But it won't sit in my hand doing nothing until I reach 29% of my mana. I mean consuming is the only card that costs more than 3... But its worth it if I hit them for game in one strike. With or without a artful dodge.
I haven't brought it to a pptq, because I like my other decks a lot better. I play this from time to time in fnm's and against various decks. To start, my side board does help drastically against infect, affinity, merfolk, and elves. Infect will undoubtedly be a race. In fact they will most likely win game one. Side board always variant on what you saw and this goes for most aggro decks. Most times its as simple as Extirpating or surgically extracting blighted agent and glistener elf. Then go for the inkmoth nexus sense it's a non basic. My creatures become undoubtedly strong early on if I really have to I'll run chalice for 1. Because most of my mill and creatures are 2 or more. Which substantially slows most aggro. Especially when I can have fabricate be my fetch to prevent running more of certain artifacts in the sideboard. Lets be frank. If they get a turn one infect creature... i'm going to probably go for the pumps... aka vine's groundswell etc. Then it's easy mode once I get a creature on board. This deck has the ability to mill and win, or deal damage and win. I've been tossing between some extra touches in here. Elves... I won't lie... I don't see them anywhere around here. So, I don't know what to particularly throw out there. In fact... I don't think I will any time soon. Affinity. Another fast pace. I will mention... I'm going to mill them for 7 or more So early on... Theres almost no way I won't. I'm not saying you can't get screwed and not get a great target for surgical or extirpate... But they throw off so many decks. They don't draw what they need, and then with no real way to get it back I take the import arcbound, steel overseer, mox opal etc. Then drive the damage through or if I can just mill. Nothing like casting void for 3 or 2 and shutting down what I couldn't mill and extract. Hedron crab can mill so nicely without me casting some of the spells I would like if you weren't catching it. Merfolk will most likely out pace this deck. I won't lie there. Like most decks you just have a counter. So you try your best to remove their lords and masters. If they are running tides and waves like they should be.. figure out whats best at the time and remove the immediate threats. Again big creatures I can throw down that will trade or flat out beat a goyf. Don't forget if I need to mill myself for an artful dodge flash back for victory... It can be done. Ensnaring bridge with void works wonders. And witchbane stops burn. All in all you try to fair like any other deck against the rest. Make a few well calculated choices and I'm sure you could make top 8. I'm really trying to fit snaps and try them out. Still unsure. Might throw out an archive or two... even though I love them so.
Oh and days undoing is like a better cycling creature all its own. Just more fuel to use on their turn. Especially if you draw vend or exarch. You want them to worry more about certain creatures who relevantly re-occure.
I found in living'twin your life is a bit more of a concern then other living ends. Having to stop and play creatures like vend or exarch tends to make you take a few more then if you ran shriekmaws and or could drop a minotaur. This is one of the many reasons I like Living'shift more. Two card combos tend to be harder to pull off. Also with so much grix control in our neck of the woods... Living end gets countered more then the twin combo its self. Sounds odd to say but you see it way more then the twin combo. I can let you run it in an fnm and maybe see what i'm getting at. I mean I rather enjoy vend over the adding of wraiths is I guess what i'm getting at.
I agree, wanted to throw it out there.
What About adding muddle to this deck list. To A counter, or B go search out that Eidolon maybe boros charm, lightning helix, snap etc?
Those really scare people, and fantastic to work around control. I know that In other environments we could cut some of them and go down a living end. However, If not for the control community... I'd play little different. I thought about raising this to 66 like the scapeshift counter part... However, the only real down side to this is the possibility of drawing L.E. and twins in your opening hand in excess. Twin doesn't have to go on exarch. I've won with putting it on a fulminator and a deadshot. Keeping him off lands and flying creatures.
The community around where I play, usually has a lot of control. It's why I play so many.