Jace plays well with Treasure Hunt-I'd also recommend Anathemancer in this meta everyone runs double-digit non-basics. Never had luck with Nicky especially as a 1-of hard enough to get to Cruel
My bad-should have elaborated further-Persecutor may be more effective at keeping you in the game while your suicide combo does its thing. Without any ramps or life gain that Angel is a long ways away at T7, and as I should have spelled out Persecutor+Trader in a B/R deck=Angel that much quicker. Something else I've seen done with Ad Nauseum/Death's Shadow is a splash white for Tainted Sigil, sacrifice it the turn you hit for 13 and regain all that life so you can repeat your combo. Just an idea. I do like this deck tho, told you that last time.
This is a good idea I've been wondering about the playability of a UB creature deck ever since Ula came out-maybe scrap the Warp and Scour for Kraken Hatchlings or Calcite Snappers? Interesting +1
I think you'll find Abyssal Persecutor much more effective than Platinum Angel - a 6/6 flyer for 2BB with the same drawback as a 4/4 flyer for 7.
Definitely Hada Freeblade, Harabaz Druid and Talus Paladin. Join The Ranks is a must for Allies. Consider Coat of Arms for this or any other Tribal deck.
Grixis to the core myself, like this combo quite a bit-nice update of Suicide Black! I'd recommend Treasure Hunt and/or Sign in Blood maindeck to keep things rolling until turn five, tho, your build seems a bit slow. Wrex and Kazuul are showy beatsticks but neither is very practical and they weigh your mana curve down.
If only Worldwake gives us black deck players multikicker rats...
Said it before, I don't like wasting time against almighty Jund because experience shows that if they can get their multicolor cascades rolling early their combos are so broken nothing can save you. Runeflare/Mine is a nice win condition but be more proactive, not reactive for the first five turns until you can hit it. Elementals will help against the mills, and Double Negative can replace some of your control. If you simply must play Magosi, have a Time Warp on hand to follow up.
Don't forget Archive Trap in conjuntion with Twincast; milling for 26 cards whenever your opponent cracks a fetch will drive them over the edge...exactly what good mill decks are all about!
Add Nemesis of Reason a great mill creature for Hellspark Elemental(better suited to RDW) -Try Deny Reality it cascades to speed you up and provide a bit more control
How do you survive til turn seven with two counterspells and no creatures?! Might I suggest dropping a few draws and fetches to put some Control in your Cruel?
get some creatures in here or telemin performance will kill you instantly!
Another way to do vampires is the mill route using Bloodchief Ascension, a very underrated one drop imho. Hideous End, Sign in Blood, Megrim pumps the counters while you thin his deck with Mind Sludge, Haunting Echoes and Ravenous Trap. Sorin Markov or Blood Tribute finishes him or even Guul Draz Vampire/Feast of Blood. If you like a creature-based deck consider Crypt of Agadeem for your mana base or Eldrazi Monument to make them unstoppable.
You need creatures or you won't live long. Take advantage of R/B mana and add some Blightning.
2 Tome Scours will cost 2 and mill 10 just like 1 Glimpse would if you wanted to take this Standard, otherwise replace a few Islands with some more mill faves check out my Blood Mill'em and see if any of my ideas grab ya. Solid U/B/W
You really don't need all this land with so many low cost spells-you risk mana flood
Same wavelength as my vampire mill deck (Milli Vakilli)-don't know about lich lord in a non-zom deck and don't forget tome scour the basic mill spell