Playing with another EDH idea with Linvala as the commander. Name taken from Blinding Mage, who started the tapping spree.
7/27 EDITS: Need to find a place for Iona, Shield of Emeria. Also, although I may change it back...
-Stonehorn Dignitary, +Purity
7/21 NOTES: Damn it, more cards that ought to go in! I don't want to take out Pithing Needle, it shuts down Commanders, but DAMN it's getting hard to choose things to switch. I might just have to make selections as I can find the cards.
-Possible adds: Orim's Chant, Isochron Scepter, Enlightened Tutor
7/20 EDIT: I just realized that Kismet would be a nice piece in here, too, but it might not slow people down enough. Also, Flickerform might be fun with all the come-into-play abilities, on top of being a great way to save an important creature from destruction. And, because of NightLoki's advice... Linvala lockdown, FTW.
-Torpor Orb, +Kormus Bell
-1 Plains, +Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
7/16 EDIT: Thinking of replacing Linvala with Eight-and-a-Half Tails. Torpor Orb may hurt me more than them with as many come-into-play effects as I have. Stonehorn Dignitary won't be as useful as I thought it was and Order of the Stars probably would be great in this format. Actually...
-Order of the Stars, +Wall of Omens
-Second Thoughts, +Ivory Giant
7/15 EDIT: Michiko is going into a different deck, I've decided to play with the idea below. Still trying to think of a way to get mono-white to work, but I may end up going W/U and throwing in more standard control. Trying to think of a way to get Ivory Giant and the other two swords in there. Not to mention Academy Rector or Cleansing Meditation.
-Story Circle, + Ensnaring Bridge
-Serra Ascendant, + Gideon's Avenger
-Master Decoy, + Stoneforge Mystic
-War Priest of Thune , + Loxodon Gatekeeper
-Karn, +Mass Calcify
7/7 EDIT: -Wall of Omens +Grand Abolisher, -Lux Cannon +Stonehorn Dignitary
Ideas -- Purity? Quietus Spike? Akroma? Magus of the Tabernacle/Disk/Moat? Mistmeadow Skulk? Evangelize? Oblivion Stone? Sword of Body and Mind? Ratchet Bomb? Austere Command?
If I go with Michiko, I could take the whole retribution angle and actually put in Vengeance, Karmic Justice, Harsh Justice, Eye for an Eye, Turn the Tables, Martyr's Bond, Martyrdom, Blood of the Martyr, Purity, Reverse Damage, Aegis of Honor, Harsh Judgment and the COP's.
....Actually, that sounds like a fun idea for another deck...