You're right, my bad. I just made a change in this deck - I took Jace's Ingenuity out of the Main Deck, and putted Preordain in it's place. In place of Preordain in Sideboard I've putted Cancel, so in case of playing with someone who have many creatures it's possible to place these Cancel cards inside of Main Deck. :) I'll think about switching Fireball for Red Sun's Zenith in Main Deck again.
I've put Fireball into Main Deck because it can hit multiple targets. There are only four cards in this deck that can counter opponents spell and it can get ugly when I'll be out of them, when my opponent will cast 2 or more problematic creatures. That's the moment I should put fireball into use. As I've wrote above - this deck have only four spells for countering opponents spells. I think this is something important to fix. I was thinking about putting Cancel in Main Deck, but I have no idea what should I take out (I would like to stay with sixty cards)... About Preordian... Jace's Ingenuity gives us three cards for five mana, while Preordian gives us one card for one mana - and Preordian surely wins here. But... Preordian requires to Scry... What if I'll get to choose what put on the bottom of library from Gavenloth and Fire Servant, that are key cards of this deck? Maybe I'm thinking too much about bad stuff... Thanks for help, I really appreciate that. :)