i was thinking 2 more plumes, 1 more steel, 2 more mrtyrs, lose the sprites and changlings add another foresee, lose the wings of velis ....... I dunno...lol maybe start over, i just dont have alot of cards. but despite what u think this deck does win for me alot. maybe its luck!
Yes, I know, I will be adding some fertile ground and lace with moonglove, they were in my original idea for this deck however the owner of my local shop had all of them reserved for personal use, lol, and i only have one of each. I have been playing and collecting since 94, however in 01 all of my cards were stolen, I had some nice alpha's and beta's and on up.....you can imagine.. I actually am just recently getting back into the game after years of discouragement. but thanks for the input.
wow, cool.....just since yesterday, i've lost the witch and added one more sootstoke. I also dropped one of my scourge for another rise of the the hobgoblins, I do plan on replacing a few more cards in this deck as soon as I buy or trade some more. I will go with the flame javelins though. thnx.