
6 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

I would also maybe add some more Proliferate targets. Maybe Jace Beleren for card draw and possibly a Beastmaster's Ascension. Thrumming Bird would add two counters to Beastmaster Ascension, 1 counter to Jace and 1 poison counter to your opponent.

Posted 27 September 2010 at 15:53 in reply to #89236 on Proliferating Infections (tourney deck)


Yeah, I really like the addition of Distortion Strike here. It's pretty nutty.

Posted 27 September 2010 at 15:51 as a comment on Proliferating Infections (tourney deck)


I agree with MrBarrelRoll, Infiltration Lens would be good with Tangle Angler and any other creature with Infect giving your Opponent to choice of Letting you Draw 2 Cards OR Taking some Poison Counters..

I would also cut some of the cards in the deck to include some removal. Looks like your deck is casual so that opens you to a wide spectrum of removal spells, Putrefy or Diabolic Edict seem like good choices.

I would also try to make room for Putrefax. He's just too good to leave out.

One more suggestion would be to use Untamed Might from Scars. Its an instant speed boost or instant speed Proliferate X.

Posted 27 September 2010 at 15:46 as a comment on Infect


Hmmm, fetches seem like a great idea.. This will allow me to add Lotus Cobra. NOTE: I'm proxying this deck for casual play and have no intention in bankrupting myself in building this deck. Thnaks for the comments guys and suggestions.

Posted 25 September 2010 at 11:25 as a comment on Koth, Mountain Ruler
