
1 Deck, 17 Comments, 1 Reputation

im running a very similar list to this but i didnt like the pristine talismans with all of the abilities that search lands i found the mana to be useless i traded them for chalice of life/chalice of death i found that at the place i play i hit 30 very fast with 2 on the field thats a 2 turn clock and before it flips it has the same effect as the talisman w/o the ramp just an idea

Posted 01 September 2012 at 20:25 as a comment on Black Market (standard)


sideboard cards i would recommend are
surgical extraction
ancient grudge
ratchet bomb
go for the throat
doom blade

i mean with 4c the possibilities are almost endless those are just a few i can think of off the top of my head

Posted 25 April 2012 at 21:30 as a comment on less frites


try to trade for some birthing pods
-3 echo circlets
-1 swiftfoot boots
+4 birthing pods
and u have one helluva deck here

Posted 25 April 2012 at 17:59 as a comment on Aggro ish?


one really cheap way to mana fix is to add evolving wilds sac it to bring in a basic of your choice and its a nickle common the other is to buy/trade the dual land which is usually expensive. for removal day of judgement is the best white has to offer but there are other options dispense justice, slayer of the wicked, and arrest to name a few. Blue has no real removal but has return a permanent to its owners hand like vapor snag, disperse, grasp of phantoms, and into the roil to name a few. Do not add ramp it will completely unfocus your deck. and a final note forgotten: ghost quarter can also fix your land but at a very high price

Posted 04 April 2012 at 16:29 as a comment on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


Yes it has to many creatures to be straight control and the fact that a lot of your creatures have control aspects to them. As for the sideboard cards you want to switch out things like counterspells for things like honor and intangible cause counters always work to slow down play so you can take control of the board where bigger creatures work to speed up the game by dealing damage faster. basically if you can deal 20 damage by turn 5 vs a control deck you will most likely win if you do the same thing to an aggro deck they will most likely have a creature to answer your creatures with every timeso dealing the same 20 damage to an aggro deck becomes nearly impossible by turn 5 this is where you want to slow things down for them by countering their early game threats then when they run out of steam you start dropping your threats

Posted 03 April 2012 at 23:22 in reply to #245115 on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


if you like the advice leave some on mine

Posted 03 April 2012 at 17:13 in reply to #245115 on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


first its an aggro control deck not control. second white control without a day of judgement is no good so try to trade for the judgements. sideboard cards for this deck oblivion ring, cancel, mana leak, honor of the pure, and intangible virtue. honor of the pure and virtue would turn it more aggro based for faster kills vs. slower decks. cancel, oblivion and mana leak will help vs ramp and such... good luck

Posted 03 April 2012 at 17:09 as a comment on W/U Standard Aggro-Control (NEED HELP)


if you could check out my attempt at a tourney deck and see what you think that would be great any ideas are welcome.

Posted 28 March 2011 at 22:10 in reply to #147348 on Infect tourney T2


Maybe try a couple of vampire bites really cheap power up to play alongside the distortion strike my brother has a version of the same deck that kills by 5th turn every game he plays because of it.

Posted 28 March 2011 at 19:39 as a comment on Infect tourney T2


Add 2 more of each land and bring the rest of the deck up to 60 you need some counters to go with the unsummon opponent gets a big threat out and you bounce it just to have him play it again next turn when he does its met with a spell snip or stoic rebuttal. Also try some Inexorable tides to put more counters on the shriekhorns maybe a grindclock or 2 for more mill. tumble magnets are brilliant cards for controlling your opponents board at the beginning of combat just tap it to tap anything your opponent will attack you with. and vedalken anatomist for the same reason but add a -1/-1 counter to your opponents creature as well. As your deck is now i see you taking a lot of un-answered damage from any creature based deck.

Posted 25 March 2011 at 22:00 as a comment on Mill/Discard


There is a LOT of single target creature removal try just removing a few of the single target stuff...

Posted 25 March 2011 at 21:42 as a comment on Sisters of Stone Death EDH


If you are not worried about standard play which it doesn't look like you are try out a Lifeline or 2 it will bring all your sacrificed creatures at each of your end steps as long as you have at least 1 creature in play still.

Posted 24 March 2011 at 23:12 as a comment on Sacrifice for Fun and Profit


Planar portal, legacy weapon, hivestone, and conspiracy are all great cards for this deck then you wouldn't have to take out any of the non sliver creatures via conspiracy. Try a call of the wild for some more slivers or the survival of the fittest/recurring nightmare/pulmonic sliver combo...

Posted 24 March 2011 at 20:43 as a comment on Sliver EDH - Please Critique


Legacy weapon and planar portal would be pretty good additions...

Posted 24 March 2011 at 20:35 as a comment on sliver overlord edh


Why not change the general to overlord for the tutoring of any sliver you want/need for the moment and then put in a conspiracy to turn all creatures in your deck to slivers as well? Otherwise it looks like fun.

Posted 24 March 2011 at 20:31 as a comment on Sliver EDH 1st attempt


looks like a really good deck the only thing i see is maybe adding some more first strike equips like viridian claw instead of the argentum armor... but that's my opinion.

Posted 24 March 2011 at 18:53 as a comment on infected smack
