I would maybe try to splash red for Assault strobe. Replace SIlver Myr's with Rampant growth. Same CMC but it gets a land instead of being a vulnerable body.
Spore Flower and Elvish Farmer are good choices if you are really going in on the thallids and speeding up spore counter stacking. Originally I figured they would serve as a good utility to sack saporlings for. The Savage and the Psychotrope Thallids were the main ones. Savage can regenerate your general and Psychotrope can draw you cards.Utopia Mycon is also a really good value sac outlet for your saporlings. Thallid Devourer is kind of bad, you can always run a regular old Thallid. It is a 1 drop that you can drop turn one and drop a saporling turn 3 . In a regular game that is in casual group that should stick around due to the fact that most people will not see that as a threat. Necrogensis needs a spot as it allows you to do graveyard hate and generate saporlings. Check out Night soil as well.
No Fling? I feel you are missing a big opportunity hear with out it. You can attack and Fling FTW.
Only one thing, Griselbrand is band in Edh. Other then that I to am trying to do interesting things with shadowborn apostle in edh. Most of my stuff centers around BloodBond March though.
This combo doesn't even fit the colors he is playing. Also has nothing to do with the way the deck wants to win.
Splashing a little sliver of red for Curse of stalked prey turns every unblockable into a growing threat.