thanks for the ideas!
any help would be appreciated.
any help would be great wanna take this to next FNM
any suggestions would be great.
help with this is needednot sure which direction to go
any suggestions for this deck want to have this competitive for FNM.
Updated with the theros block.
played well ,junk rites only issue so the side board is for that deck and other control decks
i use the resinator with the elucutors to get a counter on him even if i take dmg.
any help on this would be helpful..?
or the angel that brings all humans back from the graveyard! Angel of glory rise.
until sept i would pick sphinxs revelation or think twice
instead there must be better draw card instead of divination something that would let you draw on your oppenents turn so you can have mana for your arcanist or fog
i would drop the murmmering phantasm and add dissipate or negates
turn 5 opponent plays supreme verdict
thanks for the props, any suggestions to help this out would be appreciated.
the reason i like hiiden strings is i can untap my other arcanist with silence or untap my resonator. or untap arcanist with silence and untap the arcanist with hidden strings!! infinite silence, it will be tough to get this to happen.
some ideas what i should take out. i now i will need more to control early game until i get my life gain and draw engines going. any thoughts?
isochron are actually the elite blue wizard for ideally using silence.
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