Consider cutting 1 chup for 1 vraskas contempt?
If you're looking for something fun you could add paradox engine to mill everyone out.
It's to slow and high cost
It’s hit or miss cuz typically you win by locking your opponent out while you bomb your walkers
Cuz this is modern and I’m pretty sure ice age isn’t modern legal
You already play out your hand and do t hold any cards whenever you eant
you should be running 4 gate to the afterlifes and 2 god pharoahs gift
Been consistently winning with this deck I actually am using magma sprays instead of fatal pushes cuz I don't have any yet
A fun combo you guys should try out is playing Leave//Chance bounce all your lands discard them to draw and splendid reclamation them back. Nothing but profit there.
LED's enough said
You counter their spells and play ashiok and other things that make them go after the walkers and not you. plus you have downfalls and thoughtseize's to take away their things.
You call yourself a control deck with no counter spells. Check out this link for a real BUG control deck:::
So I built this sweet standard Deck for this last Friday and It went 4-1-0Here's the link::
So I played with this deck on Friday and I went 4-1-0 and got land screwed round 2 against mono blue devotion.
Thanks I'll look into it cause this deck all the sample hand have been very consistant. this insane new standard deck tell me what you think.
Helix Pinnacle!!!!!!!!!!!
I find rhys ok but not enough room for him.
Alluren + cloudstone curio and Lady of songbirds = all the lands in ur deck onto the battlefield and infinite birds
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