Lobbing Deathtouch

by mcflyguy on 20 July 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (3 cards)

Creatures (3)

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Deck Description

This deck provides the best offense/defense you can afford. When combining deathtouch with direct damage you effectly protect you whimpy 1/1 deathtouch creatures from combat a the while doing damage from afar.

Heavy amounts of redundancies exist to ensure survivability. Flame Whip and provides an attachable direct damage for non-direct damage creatures. Basilisk Collar/Gorgan Flail give deathtouch to non-deathtouch creature with direct damage ability. Most the creatures have either deathtouch or direct damage, meaning you need only to have a Flame Whip or Basilisk Collar to get this party started.

Quest for Renewal and Seedborn Muse provide mulitipule attacks with your deathtouch/direct damge creatures. In multipule player matches, the amount of times you may attack gets out of control.

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 25,815 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Lobbing Deathtouch

Only thing that I can see that will completely take the fight out of an opponent is land destruction. Of course, that might be bordering on being far too cruel, but sadism can be fun, too!

Posted 24 July 2011 at 23:59


Land destruction ruins any deck mechanics me thinks...so yeah. I will confirm the bordom of playing against and with such a deck. Unless said land destruction deck wins in 5 rounds or less, then I don't have a problem with it.

Posted 26 July 2011 at 18:31


Nice but work on your whining

Posted 10 August 2011 at 02:59


Agreed with that one. I only pull out the land destruction when I want to be a turd.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:40


I see two problems:

one, you might not get a basilisk collar perhaps consider splashing another colour for tutors.

and two, creatureless decks or shroud/hexproof

apart from that excellent deck.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 00:55


Yeah that can be a problem, the main point of the deck is to kill the opponent. Deathtouch is there for defense, but yes shroud and hexproof would cause a problem on that front. With Quest for Renewal or Seedborn Muse giving you ample opportunities to do damage. For example, three of these creatures untapping to do damage on my turn and yours equals 9 damage, or more, per round. Plus Hexproof doesn't stop me from blocking with deathtouch, it's a static ability not targeting anything.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 17:09


I would agree with this at first glance, but I have noticed (having played against this deck a few times) he ALWAYS seems to get that damn combo out and runs rampant through everyone's creatures. It can be quite discouraging. :(

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:41


I'm not saying this deck is great, but its almost custom designed accidentally to mop the floor with this one


All based around Deep-slumber titan. Its filled with so much board wipe nothing but beef is going to survive it

Posted 25 July 2011 at 08:12


I went up against a burn deck similar to this, the problem most decks have is this is designed to kill the opponent, the side effect is that they cannot keep creatures in play once Fire Whip is attached to a deathtouch creature or Basilisk Collar attached to a direct damage creature. Lots of creatures to go around. What ends up happening is you waste your burn cards on my creatures ignorning my health. It's difficult to win fast against a burn, but eventually you win out if they concentrate only on creatures.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 17:04


Its not a burn deck. The spells are all for keeping the board clear until I get the titan, or killing everything else and untapping the titan if he's out. A full third of the deck is dedicated to killing all other creatures.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 21:31


Burn/Creature Clearing...same difference.

Posted 26 July 2011 at 00:56


This deck would actually be pretty effective against your deck MC. Keeping the board clear of creatures. About the only thing that wouldn't matter would be the Caltrops, but the rest would clear out the board unless you utilized bigger deathtouch creatures too. Then having that damn 7/7 come out to play would play havoc with your life.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:46


Wow this deck is butter!

Posted 10 August 2011 at 02:58


You should start looking at the macro not the micro...

Posted 10 August 2011 at 03:00


I think he actually looks at both most of the time. He tends to put together decks with multiple win conditions while devastating someone's deck. All in all his decks are those that are most targeted in our groups because we know almost anything he plays is going to screw us all.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:47


Or maybe it's the other way around.....

Posted 10 August 2011 at 03:01


Whichever way, lol.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:48


Mursh has deleted this comment.

Posted 10 August 2011 at 15:34


This looks like a really fun deck to play.

Vithian Stinger seem like better choice than than Prodigal Pyromancer. I am not a big fan of Flamekin Spitfire but I can see it being better when Seedborn Muse is in play. However I would personally rather have Cinder Pyromancer, Wojek Embermage or even Goblin Fireslinger in its place. Cinder is great for repeat damage but can only target players, Wojek has a higher casting cost and can only target creatures but can lay down a lot of damage and Goblin fireslilnger can only target players but is a great 1 drop which you could use.

This deck could also use something like maybe Asceticism to help protect your creatures from pingers or you can regenerate them if you need to use one as a blocker.

Also make sure you sideboard some enchantment/artifact hate incase you run up against leyline of sanctity or something. Maybe Spring Cleaning or Krosan Grip.
Sideboarding some more direct damage spells like lightning bolt is also a good idea.

Good luck with the deck

Posted 10 August 2011 at 15:36


I see what you are saying about Flamekin, but once you attach the collar of death it becomes the end all be all killing machine. Especially when Seedborn Muse is in play.

Fireslinger wasn't around when I originally made this, however, his ability to only damage a player isn't enough when everything does damage to both creature and player. Makes for a better offense defense setup.

I suppose Vithian Stinger would fit the mold, but then it comes down to do I want to pay for a 1/1 monster or a 0/1 monster with unearth. Toss up for me anyway.

I really like Asceticism it's great, just not sure I'll get to use it in time....EXPENSIVE!!! For good reason.

Posted 10 August 2011 at 18:37


You know MC... I think that Vithian would be a good addition. With Seedborn you'll still untap it every round, but it does have Unearth just in case.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:50


Saw this guy today and thought about this deck.

Kumano, Master Yamabushi

Gotta be worth running one of theses guys.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 01:31


This is a winner, gonna put it in the sideboard as a switch replacement for quest for renewal.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 21:32


Better yet, put 2 in and took out 2 Steel Hellkite. Thanks for the suggestions.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 21:34


You know... that is an excellent suggestion as well. Not that I want you to go buy the damn card mind you... this deck is already annoying enough... but it's a great idea!

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:52


Instead of Gruul Turf... how about Rootbound Crag, giving you the chance to bring it in without it being tapped. That or maybe Akoum Refuge which gives you 1 life when it comes into play. Might as well get something out of it if you're going to play a tapped multi-land.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:57


I went the other way with my deck i had a creature with first strike and deathtouch become indestructible and all creatures able to block do so so it killed EVERYTHING lol

Posted 16 August 2011 at 09:59


It's a good method as well... though the way he worked this one was just as interesting. Perhaps he could add a couple artifacts to make his guys indestructible as well. The only short comings that I've seen whenever we play against this deck is that if I can produce direct damage and kill off his shooters... it stalls the deck dramatically. If he had some way of making them indestructible in there... it'd definitely be that much more effective. Do you have a link to your deck?

Posted 18 August 2011 at 00:30


Pretty nice...I would consider thornbite staff--instantly attaches to most of the creatures here, and turns any pinger into a Sharpshooter. Also possibly Gorgon flail for more deathtouch. Very sweet TIM deck, though.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 17:39


Thornbite would be a good attachment... though I'm not sure what would be beneficial or even possible to take out without messing up the deck itself.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 00:35


Spike shot elder would be great in here. Much better than Flamekin spitfire and some of the other ones.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 23:08


Good point. I see he's changed it.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 00:36


phattman has deleted this comment.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 00:16


i have my own version of this deck, and u Need goblin sharpshooter, there are also 2 more equipments that give death touch, quietus spike and gorgon flail. and Chandra spitfire rocks too when they're out of creatures you ping them and swing for big.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 00:19


Goblin Sharpshooter made the list a long time ago.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 20:08


WTF I came up with this first. >:(

Posted 17 August 2011 at 03:06


Considering I don't poach on other decks ideas, I'm willing to say....I don't care if you came up with it first. To top it off I'm pretty sure any idea, minus any from new sets, isn't truely original. Thanks for your pointless comment, it was completely useless.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 20:15


Yea... don't be a chump. Nothing is original in this game anymore. Back when Alpha came out... sure. Now? Hell no. If you make it... it's been done already... get over it.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 00:38


alexininikovsky has deleted this comment.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 03:09


Vulshok Sorcerer instead of pyromancers or something.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:18


Hmmm... that might actually work a bit better since it has Haste. And as the Mana count doesn't really change (total cost)... it shouldn't be an issue to swap it out. Good suggestion!

Posted 18 August 2011 at 06:12


I have found success using onyx mages for the death touch although unless you changed the colors that is worthless advice, but still a thought

Posted 18 August 2011 at 16:47


so you lose to pyroclasm?

Posted 20 August 2011 at 23:33


Nothing's a sure thing in magic, I could lose to Infect too...not sure where you're going with this?

Posted 22 August 2011 at 19:12


Elefantsau has deleted this comment.

Posted 24 August 2011 at 16:59


This deck is TITs!

Posted 26 August 2011 at 16:03


thGR8D35tr0Y3r has deleted this comment.

Posted 06 May 2012 at 14:57
