
2 Decks, 32 Comments, 33 Reputation

hey southernwarlod can you pls make ane EDH buget dek with 15$ buget so i can pleay with my homeless friend, thanks you!

Posted 10 May 2016 at 09:20 as a comment on Budget EDH: Grim Dragons


My name isn't Liam. I am my own man and I have my own bucket of chicken.

Posted 29 March 2016 at 10:44 in reply to #578304 on Temur Infinite Mana Turn 4


wow jnocne dek i really like the 1 mana elfves cause i kill mblack people in vietnamese war. I personally believe unklkel istvan is a very good creatuirrwe card tyo add to you rdkeck because i want to wash ihis backlike i did back in the day duyring the witner war wjheme i was feeding my cows. over ui really hate niggers and lover frogs. i also think this is very nice deck thdfrartfygrhieger rgerifgncniughe-.

Posted 23 March 2016 at 09:16 as a comment on Temur Infinite Mana Turn 4


EDH is not a casual format. The only people who say that are the ones who run plated slagwurm in their decks and beat their friend's decks that use shit like swift kick.

If you want an actual suggestion, drop most of the 1 drops since you can drop Kytheon on turn 1, or atleast you should. Stuff like Serra Ascendant and possibly Mother of Runes are overpowered enough to keep as a 1 drop, but I'd cut the rest.

Also I personally don't recommend running boardwipes in white weenie. I can understand why you picked some of these boardwipes, but they're just pretty slow. I do recommend keeping armageddon and cataclysm as they can be quite devastating. I also see you're running null rod, I recommend getting stony silence in there as well, maybe to replace the null rod since enchantments are typically harder to remove.

You should probably also replace honor the fallen with rest in peace, it's just better graveyard hate and not a one time use.

Just stick to denying resources while having annoying little beatsticks on the board and good luck.

Posted 05 February 2016 at 17:21 in reply to #574490 on Anti-EDH EDH


This deck is fucking shit, It has some good aspects but the manabase is just way off and many card choices are questionable. This could be tuned into a better deck and I highly recommend studying 1v1 more and have a look at the official 1v1 Duel Commander banlist.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 20:42 as a comment on Anti-EDH EDH


oh i see, sorry i main vintage and legocy dek myself (sometim edh too(, i understqndé now. but i personally recommend witch's familiar cause won me m15 prerelease and give god debomation for abohorent überlord.

Posted 07 September 2015 at 14:27 in reply to #561422 on I kill you , force of shadows


i relly wihs theu would print a frog version of loliana in the altedst set, i woul use it myself in my legocy frog storm deck, but i see what u meane man. loliana of the veil gets me vote aslo, played in mondern too.

Posted 07 September 2015 at 14:23 in reply to #561422 on I kill you , force of shadows


i am of many sorries "warlod of noth". but u see i suppress me angeré and need to use outlet, whihc juts hapepn to be criticism dek online with many rude woerd cause i hvave the very disturbation childhood. im sorrrry of "bad worde" btu i jsut try helpe an when i say thies dick is bad, i mean it, sori soreanmarkevv.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 16:16 in reply to #560761 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


helol buterman, you are one of me favirite "mtgvault" dék maker, so i ask can you boiled me a "afrikan amerikan" dek, use black colour and find cool cards plz!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

Posted 02 September 2015 at 15:53 as a comment on under know edh:we kill now


This is worse than before, what the fuck happened.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 15:42 as a comment on How to Splinter Twin(???)


This just looks like a 100x times worse version of the well established modern deck Splinter Twin. Seeing as both are modern legal, I see no reason to run this deck over the current one in a million years.

Posted 30 August 2015 at 10:32 as a comment on Simply Unfair


This is shit Kappa

Posted 19 July 2015 at 16:34 as a comment on Teferi, the stax master EDH


wow pls dont spam advertise this deck, rly hurts the community cant even force of will.

Posted 12 July 2015 at 20:01 as a comment on Gruul Terminator


ever since 9/11 they banned exiling el-hajjaj to force of will and eventually removed the ability to exile black cards to force of will #BringBackBlackPower

Posted 07 July 2015 at 17:14 in reply to #555476 on Budget Decks: Colorless Power


wow do u think its funn to make fun of people like me?????

Posted 05 July 2015 at 15:48 in reply to #555003 on Decks with Stuff: Green Aggro


Nice outfit dude.

Posted 05 July 2015 at 15:47 in reply to #555143 on Northy is Back. Definitely.


haha very cole man! i understand the "funii" dekcs and i see tah yre quit the joker. i meane not force of willl?????????????? are u trying to tridk the wholec ommunity xxxxxxxxddddd i know sorry but pls i want the leggacy boy. u kno like mold shambler storm???? ye won my lego tournament with star wars pack so oppppp. i know i kno inkw sorrrry but i fed my gote today ad get bad milk so i me bet angrry so i must tell u that u shol use mold shomblor cause storm op!!!!1!1 i used to nthinge k haha mimeoplasm storm too u know? i know i tell u the story of my papi he at jalapeno farm and paly lightning axe deregde dek and u wont believe turn 21 win so gooooood!

nike dekc!

Posted 03 July 2015 at 16:37 as a comment on Decks with Stuff: Green Aggro


yea me too dude. i remember 4 years ago when uncle istvan called me again i had to kill the zombie fish too. if u have problem with zombie fish i recommend the mosquito poison with some fresh whale blubber. works everytime when i stroke my uncles beard in bed. hah those were the true days. gotta say that i am realy impress by your land count, i usually just use 5 lands cause thats all i need basically, but i see ur not lucky and gotta use 20 lands, heh lotto tiket amirite??? anyways i gif suggestion i tell u that snappcaster is pretty bad (not evn won legacy torunment XDDDDDDDDD) so use emrakul instead, u know to invest lategame my cowboy.

Posted 03 July 2015 at 16:31 as a comment on When zombie fish dig up roots!


sometimes no money for feed beef to cow so need good buget deck for time being. thank for you build buget deck tech so feed cow possibility yes!

Posted 06 June 2015 at 23:24 as a comment on legacy infect


heh sometimes feel like having the fury you know what saying, yes? vampire fantastico idea must say, but maybe against religion a bit? i dont want any get trouble for god hate ingenuity. i hope greater god and kitchen supply not smite me down at this comment but i suggestion captivating vampire for deck. won me legacy tournament in my storm deck years ago. recommend +1 for dek.

Posted 06 June 2015 at 23:21 as a comment on Red Black Vampire Bat


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