I have run an eldrazi theme deck against this mill. ODC's mill is insane. He's milled Emrakul 3 times in a game and still won. I've had Emrakul on the battlefield and he's still won. Although Emrakul is very broken when it comes to defeating mill, one copy in the sideboard is not going to get you a definite win. Do not discount mill just because you have the April 17,2010 copy of Emrakul that just about every one runs in their sideboard. Having Emrakul does give an avantage of delaying the mill, but with mindsculptor's final effect that can kill Emrakul real quick unless you have him in your hand and he's suddenly in your library for the milling. Even then, you only have a few cards to draw at that point. I even have It that betrays in my eldrazi deck... he gives me his howling mines, some walls... I've sped up the deck some but in all honesty this mill kills decks quickly. I'm not so sure the survivablity of even an aggro deck with one copy of Emrakul could survive too much.