I strongly suggest using intruder alarm in your deck. As that card in combination with sliver queen (or any sliver really) and gemhide can let you put down your whole hand or even create a infinite amount of slivers. And I would know as that is one of the reasons my sliver deck is considered the most "broken" between everyone who plays my sliver deck.
Very interesting deck, would love to see how it plays out. And I must say very original. kudos ^_^
Well i was thinking about adding drove of elves but unfortunately it is not a warrior type so it would get the benefits. And I think Heedless one would be the best of the star/star ones to add since it has trample. And again thank you for the advise and comment.
Thanks for the advise, but i would try to avoid putting anymore things in there of more then three mana since i have a bunch of high costing guys. Once again appreciate the advise and help. ^_^
Thanks, appreciate the advise and will put nissa in and take talara's battalion out. ^_^