I thought about it but I don't wanna give my opponent creatures.
You should take out some of the Thrumming Stones, no point for that many, you can only have one in play anyway.
It looks much better now.
No Mab is a faerie from legend.
Not enough colorless eldrazi, are you kidding. As long as i can generate the mana for the bigies then that is game. The eldrazi spawn are just a plus.
Nice mana accurance. I like this deck.
Looks built well.
Needs more destroy lands. Remember that there is a balance. Comment on my deck.
Really cool I'm building my own wizard deck.
Not bad at all.
Alot of control here, isn't there a card that lets you switch decks? Hmmm, anyway, it has potential but more control would be better.
In place of Diabolic Tutor I would use Demonic Tutor its a two mana drop, one black and one colorless. It does the same thing. I like zombies, pretty cool. P.S. Thanks for the comment.
You have some small drops, good. Mana acceleration. All in all its not bad.
I love Sword of Body and Mind.
It's okay, no wow factor though.
21-36 of 36 items