
2 Decks, 9 Comments, 1 Reputation

Copy Enchantment is maybe some fun when Mirror Gallery is in play or on the Paradox Haze

and a Enduring Ideal or Academy Rector are good to.

Posted 23 March 2011 at 19:25 as a comment on *Enchanting*


Assault Strobe is fun but i think most of your monsters have to low power to be realy usefull.

How about Fling, Slaughter Cry and Thunder Strike all instants for some combat tricks and some power boost for some extra posion counters to make it harder for him to chose to block or not.

Posted 01 March 2011 at 09:29 as a comment on mono RED infect


Help!! :P

I still have to take 11 cards out, what should I do??

Posted 28 February 2011 at 14:37 as a comment on [ EDH ] Ashling the Pilgrim


i see you play some cards to make it industructible why not play some uber mass removals that kill lands and monsters at 1 go. just to leave you with a 20/20 general, and then you can kill the other players that arent death already (do the ablility damage count as general damage to? if so you can kill all players in 1 go :P ).

And dont work cards like gamble here realy good because you dont want to have your general put on your bottom or your screwed.

Posted 28 February 2011 at 10:44 as a comment on Pilgrim EDH


{=Outrider en-Kor} is ook wel grapig :D

Posted 28 February 2011 at 09:59 as a comment on No!, Don't hurt yourself! :P


Tips please,

I got the feeling i'm missing something and what should I take out?

Posted 27 February 2011 at 04:47 as a comment on [commander] (R)(G)(W)


why only 3 Enlightened Tutor? it make you find a new stuffy doll for when he kills/counter because indestuction dont mean much lately :D

Posted 20 February 2011 at 18:04 as a comment on No!, Don't hurt yourself! :P


I got a same sort like deck were i play more on Forced Fruition withs i like alot. when I play it most of the times its game ether I win because he decks himself or I kill him becausse he just drew to many cards and I could burn him for it.

I totaly see no defence ether you just play a solo game like the opponent dont count and you just play your cards like a game of Patience you ether win or loze.
I love the card Mark of Eviction it dont looks to good but when you see it in action its realy good it slow the enemy alot becuas ehe can only attack ones and then he have to recast his monster and thats takes away his mana what you need in this type of deck.

I myself would chance the Psychosis Crawler and go for 3 times Forced Fruition and 2 Mark of Eviction.

And play some mana exel like sol rings and stuff because I see your mana curf is a bit high for the good stuf you wish to see fast in play, for that I would take out Runeflare Trap for some speed bonus because you can miss this one still keep already 7 other burn cards with a hell lot draw cards so the chance you pick 1 is high and with a Teferi's Puzzle Box (wich you much not underrate in this deck) your sure you pick 1 or 2 of the burn cards when you need those a turn.
and in most cases if you time it right you can burn for about 14 a spell atleast

Posted 20 February 2011 at 17:54 in reply to #131877 on Draw Deck
