I've got a U/G infect that works really well, its based around equiping a livewire lash and pump Exp: note this is a late game win, 3rd turn equip lash for two to say blighted agent, he's now 3/1 with whenever he's targeted by a spell or ability blighted agent deals 2 damage to target cr or player, then pump mutigenic growth titanic growth anything every pump deals 2 poison and swing for the win, its great for late game removal as well
Lightening greaves for for protection and haste 8 counters and the ramp from the blooms should be enough, ill be in trouble against doom blades tragic slip is my biggest concern, cus I won't be able to deal with multiple removal, but that's wut the nexus's are for just in case and it'll buy me a turn or two to get anouther tinker
It works really well so far actually aha, I may get some demonic tutors, diabolic is a little mana costly, I'm just trying to figure out any more effective ways of running it
Example: let's say I play blightsteel 3rd turn I have a tolarian academy island and a nexus if my opponent was able to path my blightsteel or something I'd be in trouble the nexus will buy me.a few turns
The nexus is pure contingency, if I need a finnisher blocker, its not nessasary but I'd rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it
Thanx and not a problem if your running blue infect I would use it in a tourny to slow most of the current std decks are aggro so you run into a lot of problems even my green blue aggro infect would have troubles and I havnt played the mono black I will this sunday so ima find out lol
How well did this work in the tourny
No problem, ps if you end up reducing the man curve typically a deck like this will only need 22 lands, I have two infect decks if you need ideas the one is green blue the other is mono black
In my opinion your gunna have a lot of promblems A: mana curve way to high you have nothing to play first turn and very little answers to anything -1-1 isn't going to do much to a creature and you can't play that till 3rd turn anyways nor do you have many serious blockers. B: no counters? Very little removal I run on avg 12 counters or removal per deck. Exp how will you defend against first turn dispise surgical extration which my buddy is running he could pull your gambits your thrumming birds anything know note first turn is hard for any deck but never the less you see where I'm going. As a note proliferate is not a good main win condition its way to slow I've never seen a deck based solely on it work out, you need more creatures (blighted agent ichor claw myr) counter (mana leak mental misstep) removal (tragic slip, virulent wound). And I would prolly remove all your artifact to mana costly I'd run contagion clasp over contagion engine.
I like lashwrithe I just don't have any aha and I can't seem to find them either
Vampires bite is no longer std, the others are good ideas I was gunna use mutagenic growth but I decided on undying evil I will put more swords in tho forgot about that I was thinking about red green ramp black white tokens black zombies and blue black zombies being my threats
Going into my first tournement ill be using this std infect deck pls help comments and critism welcome http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=309801
No problem and if your playing multiply run twin cast
Tru enough, the bloom leaves my mana open for counters as well which is good
Ps really like the tolarian academy ima get some of those
Well here are my thoughts keep in mind it really depends how you want to play it are you using the eldrazi as your win condition or a topdeck win, as have it set up I'd say the latter, my blightsteel deck was born out of one my buddys decks, note: this guy has played a long time and has prolly more cards then you n I combined he's made decks completly out of foil rares lands included no basic anything and its no fun cus he crushes you 2nd turn he got me recently with a 21/21 raging goblin 1st turn I diddnt even get to play a land (blazing shoal was my undueing) anyways my point is if your not looking for your friends to hate you lol don't follow this suggestion, but personally I'd remove all the creatures run 2 eldrazi some token generation mystical tutor and polymorph bam eldrazi 4th turn, nasty.
Thanx man, mand my thoughs on the bloom were I can't use it till 3rd turn by which time I have enough mana to cast tinker anyways where as with sol ring I can play tinker turn 2
Blitghtsteel collossus 3rd turn http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=303757
Yah I was thinking of worldly tutor but I don't have the cash at the moment I was hoping to find a cheaper option
I like all but traumatize no offense but its a waste of paper tomb scour does better on avg here's my reasoning, At 5 mana you play 5th turn at best a lil faster here cus of the landfall but if I have hedron crab out first turn ill have allready milled at least 20 cards by 3rd turn not to mention you drew 7 and 3 for turns your down to 30 traumatize will mill 15 cards at that point while for the same mana a twin casted mindfuneral going against a deck running the typical 2 to 1 land ration ill mill 32 cards GG by 4th turn, the problem is getting the hedron crab out first or 2nd turn.
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