Hey guys thanks for commenting. I made this when I first started playing magic and yes I made it to draw cards because I thought it was fun. I haven’t changed much in this deck but there is now four combos that win the game. I’ll take the time to edit this deck. Btw somehow I do win with this deck frequently but that’s possible because of the combos that aren’t in the list. I would have also roasted myself seeing this deck six years later. I was in highschool at the time and you know. Highschoolers lol.
Ramp and draw cards, get the ones needed. first perform the combo with activating soul of new phyrexia ability giving my permanents indestructable. Then cast, obliterate making it so my lands and the enchantment omniscience stay. Cast Enter the Infinite, throw down laboratory manic and pass turn.
I am using Riku as my commander. I don't really know what edh is...
Try adding Akroan Skyguard or War-Wing Siren to keep the budget, but also have some cheap fliers. It seems to fit the story of the deck pretty well.
Boom, I'm buying this.
Mind rot would also be a good card. Very affordable.