Perhaps add another Goblin chieftain in place of a mudbutton. Also if you have a few Mogg Flunkies they are great for getting aggro early on and if they have nothing to attack or block with and are useless drop a gobo grenade and get 5 on your opponent. The possible boosts from the wardrivers battle cry and the goblin chieftan can make a good flunkie fling. Goblin king would be good for the sideboard in case your playing a red deck. He gives all goblins u control mountainwalk and can make the damage easy to deliver fast and hard.
Keep the shocks. Geistflame is good due to the flashback, however shock can deal with bears and various other 1-2 drop creatures that can get in the way in the early game. Plus I prefer hitting my opponents directly with 2 over tbe measley 1 I can use a fireslinger for. But sideboarding a couple Gflames wouldn't be a bad idea.
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