Are you going to the prerelease? At what day and what time?
Chances of ChandraRed Seeded: 9.09%Normal Packs: 0.78% - Foil Chandra: 0.39%Planeswalker:Red Seeded: 9.09%Normal Packs: 3.9% - Foil Planeswalker: 1.95%Mythic:Red Seeded: 18.2%Normal Packs: 12.5% - Foil Mythic: 6.2%Rare:Red Seeded: 81.8%Normal Packs: 87.5% - Foil Rare - 21.4%NOTE: PERCENTAGES FOR NORMAL BOOSTER PACKS ARE BASED ON OPENING ONE BOOSTER PACK.
You can add cards from Magic Origins to your decks now on Vault.
You can add Magic Origins cards to your decks on MGT Vault now.
You can add Magic Origins cards in your decks on MTG Vault now.
Thanks! I'm glad Wedge agrees with me on getting red,, but there's always the ultimate and great disaster of them sold out on red.
My Sliver deck is back new and improved!
My Sliver deck is back, new and improved!
Finnian said that I get 6 booster packs and a seeded pack.
Nat said I only get 5 normal booster packs and the seeded pack.
I HAVE TO BE IN THE TOP 3 IN THE LEADERBOARDS? WAAAAAAAAAATTTTT???!!?!? So winning against individual players doesn't get you anything?
What is my reward for winning battles against other people?
I'm trying to get Chandra, or at least a Planeswalker. Even my ultimate math skills don't know how to calculate the overall chance of getting a planeswalker.
If I do decide to play other people, does that itself cost money?
I'm confused. Do I get 5 normal booster packs AND the seeded pack, or do I get 6 normal packs AND the seeded pack?
Wait, there are 5 prerelease packs, and you are not going to tell me THE OTHERS? I thought there were only 5 colors for five packs, there are other packs?
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