replace sword of F/I with sword of light and shadow, to gain more life
I would add Ageless entity, so u can have a actual creature to give Lifelink, so i can bulk up really quickly
better +1
u have 8 Arcbound workers
how would u play Trill of the Hunt?
h my god i have seen so many ally decks, and slivers are just better because both allys and slivers need each other, but sliver bonuses are better Still go deck, so... +1
This is a good deck but kind of boring still +1
i fail to see how lich helps this deck but check out my deck
like it
Nice deck
The main job of the wolfs in this deck is to kill other cretures that the oppoent has, thanks to Deathouch, but to do damage to the other player is the elfs job that are boosted by Imperious Perfect and Immaculate Magistraste
Your deck is probably better than mine because u have the newer sets (I don't have anything past Eventide) check out my deck though (it is token based)
every single token based deck needs to cards in my opinion Doubling season (whickh u have) and Essence Warden; if u get her a the first turn, than you can gain so much life with doubling season and any card that makes a lot of tokens, that it will be very hard for u to lose
I would suggest that u replace conclave Phalanx with essence warden or just add 3-4 essence wardens, so you can contiune to gain life. other than that +1
and check out my deck
That is a good deck
I wanted just elf and wolfs as tokens because insects won't get any of the benefits in my deck I don't have a doubling season, let alone 4
why just mono red?
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